
what to do with anniversary coins

Hey guy,

I have a lot of coins (over 2k i think), and I'm wondering how I should spend it? should I get the anniversary set or get something else?

May 19, 2015

9 Comments • Newest first


how the heck did you get so many. teach me
(also i read there was a 50 coin per day limit so what the heck)
personally I've got my eye on some chairs and the slot expansion coupons

Reply May 19, 2015

[quote=Ardaaayyy]@ModerateTrader Yep they're the 4 hour 1.5x ones that go in ETC. [/quote]

Oh! Okay thank you

Reply May 19, 2015

[quote=blackzero98]Maple Saint stuff's not terribly useful past lv. 100, from what I remember, unless you've gone to the trouble of scrolling and enhancing it to extend its lifespan by probably 15-20 levels. Weapons are great for characters just starting out though, since they're technically level 100 equipments and can be soul enchanted etc etc while still being useable by lv. 30+ characters.

My suggestions would be the tab expansion coupons (250 each, can be purchased once- Equip, Etc., Use, Set-Up, though you could probably skip Set-Up), an 8-slot Coin Purse, Trait Boost Potion, Profession Coupon (provided you're not already a Meister or lv. 10 in your crafting), EXP Present Box (4-hour 1.5x EXP!), and after that any job hats/armors, chairs, scrolls, or damage skins that catch your eye.[/quote]

Is the exp box a coupon that literally gives you 4 hours straight of 1.5x? Thanks!

Reply May 19, 2015

old kaiser gears

Reply May 19, 2015

I am going for the expansions and one of the skins. After that I am not sure, maybe a few chairs.

Reply May 19, 2015

Maple Saint stuff's not terribly useful past lv. 100, from what I remember, unless you've gone to the trouble of scrolling and enhancing it to extend its lifespan by probably 15-20 levels. Weapons are great for characters just starting out though, since they're technically level 100 equipments and can be soul enchanted etc etc while still being useable by lv. 30+ characters.

My suggestions would be the tab expansion coupons (250 each, can be purchased once- Equip, Etc., Use, Set-Up, though you could probably skip Set-Up), an 8-slot Coin Purse, Trait Boost Potion, Profession Coupon (provided you're not already a Meister or lv. 10 in your crafting), EXP Present Box (4-hour 1.5x EXP!), and after that any job hats/armors, chairs, scrolls, or damage skins that catch your eye.

Reply May 19, 2015

For sure get the inventory expansions, unless you're maxed already. ;o
Also prime scrolls will be a good thing to buy, I believe they won't ever be added into another event shop after this one!

Reply May 19, 2015

prime scrolls, slot expanstion, and if you can do clean state service that works too

Reply May 19, 2015