
Maplers Be Talkin Weirdly

Hiya basilers! I just recently met quite a few people who talk in a weird way, I'm not blaming them or anything, I'm just curious about everyone else (:
So. I. Was. At. The. Jesters. Yesterday.
I came into a room with ONLY ONE PERSON (as opposed to every other room having at least 5) and the guy inside told me to cc cause his friend was out to rech her stars. Of course I didn't, because this channel only has 3 people (including me) and every other room.. bleh.. So I tried to make friends and ask him to share with me because YES I LIKE TO TALK TO STRANGERS. The problem is, he got his lvl 197 shad to ks me. I was honoured that a lvl 197 would ks a lvl 60 but he seemed to have a really big ego and would just randomly start to indirectly verbally 'insult' me.
The guy said his name was Adrien, so we'll call him that for now. I tell him that I also have a friend named Adrien, but he responds that "You should just shut up. No one asked you." I say "Okay, but I was just saying." He says "I never said you couldn't say anything." I think 'well, what's this guy's point?' I don't really get why he would just try to pick a fight or be so fiesty.. I mean really? Then some of my guildies came to join our little "ks party" here, and Adrien called us all "mindless, brainless, stupid monkeys" for no reason. It's nothing compared to all the other insults any typical mapler would get while trying to grind, but I just felt weirded out. Every time I said something, he would tell me no one cares, and I'd say things like 'I care', and so on.. my day was tiring. </3

So my point is.. GUISE WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE ADRIEN (the shad) AND I WAS ME? Respond or vote (: -just curious-

February 23, 2012

17 Comments • Newest first


Come to EMS!

We have less drama, because we have no haunted house! (we do have brazilians though)
You can always find a training spot (except for 2x), and most people are nice.
Also, we don't have these overpowered forks, called Mercedes and Demon Slayer (we don't have Cannoneer either, but oh well)

I play GMS myself, the community is hella bad (get it? Hella? Demon Slayers? Demons come from hell? most Demon Slayers are d*cks? ... ... ... nevermind)

Reply February 24, 2012

If he said he didn't want you in his party (did you even ask bluntly?) then you should have changed channels. Would have saved you time and effort. If you can't train right away, then wait for a spot to open up in another channel.

TL/DR: Both TS and his "aggressor" are naive.

Reply February 24, 2012


Lol at least you guys commented

Reply February 24, 2012

[quote=Cappuccino]O:< Wall of text !


Reply February 24, 2012

@PraisedAura : Lol goddam demon slayers? Would it make you feel better if I changed my avatar to my pirate?
@themags : LOL I WILL NEXT TIME (;
@absolutemyth : Yeah, I asked him if we could share perhaps
@asspounderify : I seriously checked every channel 2 times at least and this was the emptiest one. If I kept ccing the people in the maps would keep on saying "CC" and there would be no end.. was just trying to be reasonable o.o
@elvenelessar : Basically take a small part of it
@Petful : D/c hack me? Isn't that a little too far for a noob ds? Dx
And thanks guys for the comments and helpful advice

Reply February 24, 2012

[quote=Petful]You were wrong. I would've ksed you out too, if not d.c you.[/quote]

They have auto ban for DC Hacks now.

Reply February 23, 2012

[url=]"mindless, brainless, stupid monkeys"?[/url]

Reply February 23, 2012

I've met people like this, and I've also been the person like that.

My rules of engagement are: If I'm killing in the map, regardless the place, i don't care really how big it is, if you come and just start killing. Expect to be KS'd.

If you're nice, you ask to share the map, I'll really consider doing it. Jesters is a big map, but if you kill fast enough, idiots who kill randomly really piss me off.

Reply February 23, 2012

Yes, we be talkin weirdly

Reply February 23, 2012

jesters is a decent sized map
just ask for a platform and don't go off it

Reply February 23, 2012

Just tell them you like to smex.

Reply February 23, 2012

[quote=saifwitswaggg]Who does he think he is? "I never said you could say anything." Seriously? Hes not god. Some people with high leveled characters believe that they're like god for some reason. >.<[/quote]

Most people don't even stop to think that you might, JUST MIGHT have a better character.

Reply February 23, 2012


This can apply to 90% of Demon Slayers under 120[/quote]

hear hear

Reply February 23, 2012

Lol, I do this anyways, except backward. I find a channel, get on my UA bishop, flame gear/genesis/heal/all that crap everywhere until someone leaves, and then come into the map with my noob character. It's sad that an unfunded UA bishop can do this much damage in the first place, ahahah. How to get a jester's channel.

If someone comes into my map to KS, the best thing to do is to just outlast them on your noob as they get really frustrated and angry. The last thing you want to do is get on a higher leveled character as, at that point, you give them the advantage of "Omg, what are you even doing this for, your noob isn't getting any experience now. Hueheheeh."

Reply February 23, 2012

[quote=PraisedAura]I came into a room with ONLY ONE PERSON (as opposed to every other room having at least 5) and the guy inside told me to cc cause his friend was out to rech her stars.Of course I didn't

>Stopped reading, goddam Demon Slayers[/quote] Generalization! 8]

Reply February 23, 2012

I picked the third option because I couldn't decide between the first two.
Although this Adrien sounds like a arse.

Reply February 23, 2012