

There needs to be some changes

There needs to be a change to a part of rule #3- Inappropriate content. Over my time in Basil, not very long in terms of continuity, I want to say 2-3 years, I have been suspended twice. Once because I was a part of a parody thread campaign in the chat section, rule #2. It was the "I hate ____" threads. Mine wasn't that bad to be fair I just said "I hate geese" cause I'm a duck. Anyways the other time was when I quoted a bad word. I knew it was a bad word so I'm sure I use *'s to cover it up but I was still suspended. I will not blame whoever suspened me, it was their job to do so but I feel when quoting *'s should be acceptable so the replyer can still quote without getting punished.

May 26, 2014

1 Comment • Newest first


In a parody thread situation, you get suspended like everyone else would. We don't evaluate on a case-by-case basis saying, 'oh well this one isn't that bad. let's let him off free even though he did the same thing as everyone else.' How would that be fair? How would the folks who got suspended for doing basically the same thing feel?

As for the quoting thing, I hope you didn't overlook [url=]this helpful reminder[/url] that shows up every time you quote someone. That, combined with the "Do not try to bypass the filter by misspelling words or masking letters." part of rule #3 make it pretty clear that Basilers should avoid doing that.

But, if you truly wish to change the site's rules, you're free to [url=]contact the admin[/url] about it. Thank you for your concern. To discuss more, please PM me or another moderator.

Reply May 26, 2014