

dudezrule #Mechanic Talk

General Mechanic

My Mechanic Training Guide (In-Progress) Ok, this is my personal opinion on training areas for 1st and 2nd job mechanic, seeing as I'm only lvl 40 so far. So, what I did: 1 - 10: At the very beginning, talk to all of the children hiding in the game of hide-and-go-seek, as you will be level 5. Then, do the quests. 10 - 2x: Do all of the quests in Edelstein until you are a certain level within 20 & 23 and have no more quests until you get to higher level. 2x - 30: Do Edelstein quests and grind at the monsters until the job advancement. 2x - 33+: NLC's Rotten Skeletons (74 exp a kill, and with the attack you'll have, you will level very fast.) I only did this until level 33 then switched to cpq. 3x - 4x: Do cpq until levels 40 or 43. I fou