

Stay with Stonetooth Sword or not?

Hello Heroes of Basil!

As of late, I have a bit of a dilemma, which I thought perhaps some of you could help me out with...
I am reasonably funded*, and pretty much all of my gear is already at an end-game state, with some small exceptions which I am upgrading...
However, I started contemplating whether I should upgrade my Stonetooth Sword which is 175 attack, 8 stars, 3 lines Unique, 15% total damage, and 15% PDR, with a 5% total damage Nebulite... I have had the Stonetooth since it was 145 attack, with 3 stars, no Nebulite, and a rare pot, so I have upgraded it considerably, and, needless to say, become somewhat attached to it. That being said, perhaps it's time I got something better, since 175 attack (or the equivalent of around 190 attack on a normal speed sword) isn't really as good as it was once considered.

*Around 160% strength, with some attack on various pieces of equipment (around 80 attack total from equips - excluding weapon and secondary weapon)

So, do you guys (and gals) think that my Stonetooth is good enough to be an end-game weapon?

July 11, 2013

9 Comments • Newest first


@betaboi101: So %damage and %att are pretty much multiplicative still, and this new stat window making att calculations really simple. Thanks for that!

Reply July 11, 2013

@VulcanWalker : Awesome, thanks, I'll be logging on my Hero in a mo, and I'll PM you then

Reply July 11, 2013

[quote=VulcanWalker]@DuskRaven: The attack you need to match your sword depends on your current attack (buffed), as well as %att and %dmg. PM me your stats and I'll walk you through the steps. It'll be fairly close, as I'm not sure how %damage factors into your range.[/quote]

% damage has become the old % attack (where it acts as a multiplier of your final range and shows so) while being additive (additive in that all % damage sources are added before being used as a multiplier). % attack now is the same as % stats but for your attack (if you have 100 att and 9% att, it will be displayed as 109 att).

Reply July 11, 2013

@DuskRaven: The attack you need to match your sword depends on your current attack (buffed), as well as %att and %dmg. PM me your stats and I'll walk you through the steps. It'll be fairly close, as I'm not sure how %damage factors into your range.

Edit: Also, if you have two extra speed boosts (dSI and +1 attack speed inner ability), then don't mind weapon speeds unless using a Slow-7 weapon. With one extra speed boost, Fast-5 weapons will hit speed cap.

Reply July 11, 2013 - edited

@betaboi101 : Thanks, I'll have to consider that Fafnir, although I tend to like tradeable gear, and preferably a sword so I can use it also on my Pali/Kaiser... But it's definitely an option when you put it like that

Reply July 11, 2013 - edited

[quote=DuskRaven]@VulcanWalker : Thanks, that's very helpful! Do you think you could tell me how to calculate the attack needed to match my sword? I'm not quite sure what I'd need to factor in[/quote]

Speed per level used to factor in as about 1.09 extra attack if I'm not mistaken ages ago but that also didn't account for server lag/ certain aspects that hinder the speed difference such as only being able to attack a few casts then hiding to survive (for certain newer bosses). Reguardless, pre consideration of such aspects, assume one speed level is like its own 1.09 multiplier added to your final range; so if you have a 100k range assume its 109k with the st vs a 2 h normal att speed sword.

I'd say given how two h swords are pricey, your best bet would be to go for the fafnir 2 handed axe. The 30% boss on the axe alone bests the 9% damage added via speed level. On top of that, the axe clean has around 172-174+ attack; when scrolled it will easily best the sword.

A fafnir axe is also relatively cheap (under a bil in most circumstances), also offers 10% pdr, and is just the perfect end game weapon thats affordable while damage boosting given it will cost less than the sword you're using now while being better than it. The only drawback is that two h axes have little to no resale value so scrolling it/ cubing it will be a sink and down the road, it won't go for as much money as you end up spending on it to perfect it.

Reply July 11, 2013 - edited

@VulcanWalker : Thanks, that's very helpful! Do you think you could tell me how to calculate the attack needed to match my sword? I'm not quite sure what I'd need to factor in

Reply July 11, 2013 - edited

[quote=VulcanWalker]It's certainly a good sword, what's considered end-game is different to everyone. Given your other equips, I think a weapon upgrade would be helpful.

However, if you plan to upgrade, know what you want your new sword for. Tradeable? Massive boss dmg? Massive amounts of %damage/%att? Using any speed boosts? What I did to determine if a sword is better for me or not, is I took my stats and calculated what attack I would need on a new one to match my current sword. From there, you can factor in the potential of the new sword to determine if it's better or not.

An example, my 185 att sword with %att and %dmg would be matched by a 281 attack sword without %att/%dmg, not including boss damage.[/quote]

This guy said it perfectly. A ST Sword would be useless for Kaisers or Warriors that has a Decent Speed Infusion as they would already hit the max speed cap.

Reply July 11, 2013 - edited

It's certainly a good sword, what's considered end-game is different to everyone. Given your other equips, I think a weapon upgrade would be helpful.

However, if you plan to upgrade, know what you want your new sword for. Tradeable? Massive boss dmg? Massive amounts of %damage/%att? Using any speed boosts? What I did to determine if a sword is better for me or not, is I took my stats and calculated what attack I would need on a new one to match my current sword. From there, you can factor in the potential of the new sword to determine if it's better or not.

An example, my 185 att sword with %att and %dmg would be matched by a 281 attack sword without %att/%dmg, not including boss damage.

Reply July 11, 2013 - edited