

Does Tt 30 becomes Qt 30 after revamp?

Okay, so basically I want to know if Nightlords that have already passed Triple Throw 20/30 before the revamp, if it becomes Quadruple Throw 20/30 after the revamp, or if you need to get new skill books?
Any answers (particularly with sources) will be much appreciated!

Edit: Sorry, the title was originally going to be "TT30 becomes QT30 after revamp?" but after I added in the "Does" I forgot to remove the "s" from "becomes"...

June 9, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


TT becomes a 3rd job skill and QT is the new replacement for 4th job. If you landed any books for any of the 4th job skills that's being replaced/moved/removed, Nexon'll have it in their system that you've passed the book, and once the revamp hits, you'll be given the replacement books free from the Maple Admin. They're untradeable so you can't get them from the Maple Admin NPC and sell it for 2b on release date.

Reply June 11, 2012

Wait so should i use tt 30 right now or wait til revamp ?

Reply June 10, 2012

I read it as DOes tt30 become cutie 30

Reply June 9, 2012

@EveryoneAbove Sorry for creating a new thread about this, I did try to do a Google search, however I couldn't find anything particularly useful... Thanks very much for your replies, they were very helpful

Reply June 9, 2012

this has always happened, for example after Big bang update for warriors. brandish became Intrepid Slash. it will happen again, don't worry about it.

Reply June 9, 2012

Will be transferred. Sources are a few kMSers and SPers, but no link. It's not 100%, but I don't think creating more threads to get a surefire answer will help. There's been at least over 50+ threads about the same issue since November when the revamp hit kMST.

For all we know, it will be confirmed by many gMSers (including myself) when we get the revamp for our NL's.

Reply June 9, 2012