

Thoughts on Hunter x Hunter episode 136?

This is a thread for those who have already seen the episode.
Anyways, title. Discussion.

I thought this ep was great although I think most eps feel short b/c of all the explaining.
-Humans v Ants war thing is officially over. Finally.
-I was so tired of it and like what happened to the other 2 main characters(blonde dude and tall guy). Haven't seen them so long I forgot their names.
-Hopefully Killua goes out and recruits them to save Gon or w/e
-Much feels when Reina wanted to bring back Brovada. I thought Reina was Komugi at first with a different head
-Kite reincarnated or something? Was excited when I heard the girl called herself Kite
-Supporting Gon's dad to be the next Chairman.

July 1, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


@HappyFeet: Wait she was born from the Queen Ant? Idr lol, I thought Colt saved his sister before she was eaten. But she looked completely human in that clip

Reply July 2, 2014

Alluka spotlight pls

Reply July 2, 2014

@HappyFeet: The kid is a human girl though (unless I saw incorrectly) so Kite's brain probably wasn't eaten because his personality(?) would be reincarnated into one of the ants. I see Kite's speculated reincarnation as a restoration of hope for Gon's efforts and survival.

Reply July 2, 2014

@East: He doesn't show up in the next arc, but there is a chance he is going to acquire zobae disease, something that makes an appearance in the arc following the chairman election arc and probably won't be animated. Just speculation, but assuming this last arc in the manga is the last arc for the story that wraps things up, he will definitely show up again as a player.

Basically, I don't think he really matters to the anime and the bit with werefin, bizef and hina can be swept under the rug as a nice, open-ended conclusion.

Reply July 2, 2014

@LitheMovement: Ohhh I see. But what's the significance of his character that makes his name mentioned quite a bit? Is he someone that is going to help Gon or something?

Reply July 2, 2014

[quote=East]@LitheMovement: Wait what? That means Gyro left as a human being before the Ant invasion thing right? Then how is he reborn? There were no previews[/quote]

It must've been a small scene in the anime so that it was forgotten, but I kinda liked it in the manga, so I remembered it very well. It was revealed that at some point he was in the same city as Gon was when they were training, but they never crossed paths. This was before the King was even born. He probably wasn't human since he was captured and eaten by the Queen, but unlike the other ants who have few recollections of their time as humans, Jairo was simply reborn as himself, but in a potentially better body.

Reply July 1, 2014

@LitheMovement: Wait what? That means Gyro left as a human being before the Ant invasion thing right? Then how is he reborn? There were no previews

Reply July 1, 2014

@East and @BRSLove: No, Jairo left long before. He was never the shrimp and he was never even around when the King was born. "He was reborn simply as Jairo".

Was there anything good in the previews?

Reply July 1, 2014

@LitheMovement: It showed their backs, then Ging's face in the last frame.
@BRSlove: I never really paid attention to the whole Gyro thing, but I don't think so. Because if Brovada was actually Gyro, he would've rejected Reina's offer to go back to the village and said he had something to do, but then again Brovada never directly said that, only cried so who knows o.o

Reply July 1, 2014

Was brovada actually gyro? He said no but when the quote was mentioned he looked suspicous

Reply July 1, 2014

@DaMeng: Oh haha, thanks for the update. Did it show their faces, or did it end like the manga did - with only their backs? I can't wait to see Pariston's sparkles.

Reply July 1, 2014

[quote=LitheMovement]I'd vote for Leorio for Chairman.

I take it they also showed Gin duping the rest of the zodiacs with his voting system?[/quote]
I'm guessing that's going to be next episode. Today's episode ended with the Zodiacs gathering at the entrance

Reply July 1, 2014

I'd vote for Leorio for Chairman.

I take it they also showed Gin duping the rest of the zodiacs with his voting system?

Reply July 1, 2014

[quote=xdarkshynobi]doesn't gon have 1 arm?[/quote]

Yeah I think so. I totally forgot about that, but I think that happened 1-2 eps ago

Reply July 1, 2014