

legend bugs so far

1. double clikcing gaga's new buisness book d/c you ( should only be a tespia bug)
2. you cant equip items in Eruelle (the elve town idk how to spell it)
3. in the elllinia map that leads to eruelle (elve town) if you jump too much you d/c
4. familiars use merced's summons skills
5. going to this map d/cs you auto matically. (my class is mercedes, idk about the other classes)

December 2, 2011

36 Comments • Newest first


NLC teleport/train from kerning city is missing
controls are somehow reseted when you CC from mercedes

Reply December 6, 2011

[quote=Breezepoint]In Ellinia [as mercedes, at least, haven't tried other classes] in the map...Close to the Sky? Or birds? One of them. On the bottom plat, if you walk to the left, you'll be teleported up a bit... I'm not sure exactly how, but sometimes Maple crashes. I think it happens when you get hit by a monster as you fly up, but I'm not sure.

Haven't done much else. [i]It would be much easier if we didn't have to manually level, so we could also explore higher-leveled places on the new classes.[/i][/quote]

This is a bit late, and you might have already figured it out, but it's every character in that map and a few more in Ellinia

Reply December 6, 2011

Trying to start the "Feats of Dairy-do" quest from Nautilus causes you to crash.

Reply December 6, 2011

[quote=ec965]1. double clikcing gaga's new buisness book d/c you ( should only be a tespia bug)
2. you cant equip items in Eruelle (the elve town idk how to spell it)
3. in the elllinia map that leads to eruelle (elve town) if you jump too much you d/c
4. familiars use merced's summons skills
5. going to this map d/cs you auto matically. (my class is mercedes, idk about the other classes)[/quote]

I hope these bugs were reported, even if it is just a perceived Tespia issue, you never know

Reply December 5, 2011

@Quickjumper7: NLC train is missing but if you go to Arient FM and exit, you'll end up in NLC

Reply December 5, 2011

I'm not sure about anyone else, but I can't get into Golden Temple. Don't know if this is intentional or not though lol

Reply December 3, 2011

[quote=krn0]@gravedigge15 its called Boat Quay =)[/quote]

Haha, thank you very much kind sir. Although I'll probably forget by tomorrow.

Reply December 3, 2011

[quote=FlagNorFail]Hmm. Are you sure? o.o Under " Known Issues" it says "- Cody does not offer the automatic level-up option in this Tespia". Whatever. I'm just glad i'm get to try the classes before they comes out [/quote]

If it was an actual "issue" then they would've put a date next to it, since there is no date next to it, it is just a statement saying you cannot freely level up your character

Reply December 3, 2011

[quote=toasterpastries]its good to know people actually test this stuff keep going guys, help make our updates better [/quote]
lol they know about it..but the real question is...will they fix it?
but in any case good job catching all these glitches guys make our MS experiences better

Reply December 3, 2011

[quote=MagicFrappe]@blaylock101 They did it purposely so that instead of everyone going crazy trying out higher level skills they can focus on testing things. [/quote]

If they did this, why not raise the exp rates like in KMST so we can actually test higher leveled stuff?

Reply December 3, 2011 - edited

[quote=MagicFrappe]@blaylock101 They did it purposely so that instead of everyone going crazy trying out higher level skills they can focus on testing things. [/quote]

That makes no sense, how can we test things if we can't lvl up to test it.
This just counters itself in a sense that people now are lvling rather than testing out the game, as I said earlier... lol

Reply December 3, 2011 - edited

I'm not sure if this is a bug, but if you hold up and left or up and right while jumping to use Updraft for Mercedes, you just jump off the rope. Also, 3 maps above Ellinia on the bottom level, there's a flowery looking plant on a pedestal that makes you D/C when you use Mercede's double jump into it. I'm not sure if it'll work if you just walk into it without jumping.

Reply December 3, 2011 - edited

There are many typos in the Mercedes Quest line, I can't remember which one, but one time you get called Mercedis instead of Mercedes.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

@blaylock101 They did it purposely so that instead of everyone going crazy trying out higher level skills they can focus on testing things.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

Lets see...
When you cc you get a keyboard reset
NLC is closed, there's another way to get in but that's a secret XD
Cody is broken this tespia
DS can heal with MP potions
Not sure if storage was the cause, but ever since I put something in storage, I can't equip/unequip any of my items
Some potentials read in "?"s
Weird FM warps
CWKPQ is still closed, there's a gate blocking it
Have yet to try HT yet, but it was working last tespia
There's an invisible platform in perion

Mmm... That's all I can think of atm XD Tespia is so damn boring, it's like they don't want us testing the legends at 120+ XD
Seems people are too preoccupied lvling their legend that they're missing the bugs some times :o

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=AckarRed]It's intentional. They removed the leveling feature.[/quote]

Hmm. Are you sure? o.o Under " Known Issues" it says "- Cody does not offer the automatic level-up option in this Tespia". Whatever. I'm just glad i'm get to try the classes before they comes out

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=FlagNorFail]I hope they fix the Cody issue. I really want to try out my DS' 3rd and 4th job skills [/quote]

It's intentional. They removed the leveling feature.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

There's an invisible platform somewhere in Perion. Like near the platform above the taxi?

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=iDawnxAngelx]NLC is missing~ Sometimes if you CC, your keyboard keys reset and you have to put the keys back -- So far for Mercedes.[/quote]

NLC is missing? My tespian I/L is there right now. Do you want some potions from there or something?

Lol at demon slayers using MP pots. I've been testing a demon slayer, and its EXTREMELY overpowered with this glitch. Nexon better fix this before it reaches the real server.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

I hope they fix the Cody issue. I really want to try out my DS' 3rd and 4th job skills

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=Jess0784]I've gotten the monitor frequency message on both my Demon Slayer and Mercedes. Both are in the maps slightly north of Ellinia. So bad to the point that the second I log on to try to move them the game instantly crashes. Hoping it's a map thing and not REALLY my computer since the fix they said to do doesn't work. Happened on 2 different computers. Both are only level 30, so I haven't gotten to check out any other bugs and since I'm unable to log onto them at all, I can't play anymore Tespia unless I start ANOTHER new char... Might just wait it out [/quote]

Tha happen to me on my mercedes. But after a few trys.. once I go into the game, I pressed Esc, then doubled jumped and didn't get crashed.
Don't go to North Forrest Lot.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

Opening the monkey doll book in etc auto crashes you, Demon Slayers able to go PvP, Force being healed by MP.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=iDawnxAngelx]NLC is missing~ Sometimes if you CC, your keyboard keys reset and you have to put the keys back -- So far for Mercedes.[/quote]

I seem to be experiencing that key config setup as well, but it only happens when I log in. And also would completely clear my key config entirely. >.<
Hope Nexon will fix it, cause I don't want this bug to end up in the official servers.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

Mercedes' ears glitch, and can be seen through an Amdusias hat. ):

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=GinSaan]You should send this to nexon not just post it on basil..[/quote]
We do send it to Nexon. It's just here for the public to see and also gather information together.

OT: D/c when getting 3rd job advancement as a regular Adventurer.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

Demon Portal in Nautilus disappeared for Crocell hat quest. It was originally located at Ribbon Pig's beach.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

every so often when you cc all of your skills get in your keyboard placements

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

NLC is missing~ Sometimes if you CC, your keyboard keys reset and you have to put the keys back -- So far for Mercedes.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

In the Ellinia map that has the rope to Elluel, there's a certain spot where if you double jump as mercedes you'll be ported to the top of the map.
And yeah, FM warps you incorrectly sometimes.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

You should send this to nexon not just post it on basil..

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

thank you for our input. i also noticed the potential line glitch... also another one is where you d/c randomly been experiencing that and its annoying

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

uh, you cant get to nlc, the option to get on the sub is not there, but you can still buy a ticket.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

FM from Eldestein takes you to Ereve, and the FM from Ereve takes you to the town before MP3. Few typos during quest lines. Haven't really played long enough yet.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

North Forrest: North Forrest Lot, Crashes for mercedes

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited

Its Elluel.
Hmm, there's the thing with Demon Slayers healing Demon Force using MP Potions.

Reply December 2, 2011 - edited