

So a week or two ago I made a drawing of my main character and my pet. I might end up coloring this in the future when I have more time. I still have a long way to go until I'll be able to draw how I really want it to appear. Criticism is always welcome so long as it's not malicious.

December 3, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Choo]your drawings are so mini! you should make them full sized.. that way its easier to expand on different colours.[/quote]

If I do color them I color them in the computer so I enlarge them and clean them up with an eraser tool. I'm not good at drawing large. I have a large problem getting the proportions right. Besides most of these are drawings in my school notes =P.

Reply December 4, 2012

your drawings are so mini! you should make them full sized.. that way its easier to expand on different colours.

Reply December 4, 2012