

effolope #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

Killing gollux Hi i'm having trouble killing gollux on a marksman. I can't find any guides or videos online that explain where to position, where to put illusion, etc. only videos of people killing it so can anyone help with this. Currently I can only kill the easy version and I still usually die once in easy. I think I have enough damage to kill normal or possibly hard (around 450k with mpe potion and 12 att elixir) but I always die 5 times before I can do much to it. Can anyone explain what to do as marksman? I'm not sure if this is a good idea but since pierce is longer range than snipe I can stand a bit further away. Anyone with more experience or knowledge on this please help!

General Bowman

Does this sound right? Hi everyone. I've been looking at a couple damage range threads to get some hints as to what to get. I feel as if my damage is a bit underwhelming for the items I have. Not sure how to go about improving this but I was considering getting a set effect, though i'm not sure which to go for since i have pieces of several different ones. My current equipment is as listed... 24 att 21% dex 3l unique empress hat 6% dex 3l epic ghost ship badge wooden and silver joe totems evolution ice crystal +3 att +3 all stat 1% dex 3l unique spec- this was 7% dex 3l unique but used a couple meister cubes on it and got 10% str so only have the 1% neb left 10 att 9% dex 3l epic ra top no bot equipped though i have a clean ra bot in my inv