

effolope #Bowmaster Talk

General Bowmaster

Which bow to get? I was hacked a little less than a year ago when mts leaked some info. My bow and everything I was wearing was stripped. I decided to make a new bm recently and I need to rebuild my equipment. I have 50k nx to spend (2.5b) and I was wondering what I could get with that. The hackers left some crappy items that I can still use. My current equipment on my old bm is... -2l scarlion helm -Renegades glasses -3% dex +8 dex cape -3% dex overall -spiegelmann necklace -10 att wg -4% dex belt -6% dex earrings -4% dex sneakers -3 silent crusade rings and a gratias ring -118 att 3% dex bow Some of the equipment is untradable so I may keep my old bm. Also because I have no equipment, my str is very low. Even though it had 60 base str, my