

Which is worse?

Which is worse: People believing that fluoride toothpaste is bad for you, or the belief that the minimum wage needs to triple?
I ask because a lot of people actually believe in these two thoughts, but I can't decide which one is more dangerous to society.

February 26, 2014

15 Comments • Newest first


Education is the answer to having a better living standard. When a high wage floor is placed, income inequality doesn't disappear. Inflation is such a basic concept that people don't even understand. The consumer price index will rise significantly along with the initial loss of incentive to pursue skilled work. Incentives for education should be provided more to low income individuals (a lot of them already go to school for free). Progress in science and technologies WILL eliminate many low skilled and obsolete jobs, but will generally create many more positions requiring a higher level of skill. If anybody took basic economics, you would know that this will be accompanied by more efficient product development from companies and an overall improved standard of living.

Fluoride in toothpaste does prevent tooth decay. Fluoride in water is controversial. Fluoride toothpaste does improve dental hygiene. If I weren't on my tablet, I could link you to the tooth decay and cavity statistics throughout the years as fluoride toothpaste became used more and more.

Reply February 27, 2014

The government uses fluoride toothpaste to track you by satellite.

Reply February 26, 2014

The disparity between wages and corporate profits/production has been growing wider over the decades. The problem is, I doubt simply raising the wages to catch up will fix this problem. The corporations will simply raise the cost of living to compensate, and the end result will be more inflation and even greater income disparity. The problem is, Big Government and Big Business are in bed with each other, and have been for many years now. And both major political parties serve to keep this relationship going, one way or another. We need to stop trying to manage a symptom or two and, instead, seek out and eradicate the underlying disease.

The military-industrial complex, like everything else, funnels the wealth into the hands of the few. The people at the bottom get the scraps. It's better than starving though, I suppose.

Reply February 26, 2014

[quote=HastyHeist]People who believe that fluoride toothpaste is bad for you shouldn't be drinking water. lmao

@Icephoenix21 are you kidding? the military keeps getting cut more and more, giving less money to units. Also the military is down-sizing because of this. They're trying to kick more and more people out everyday.[/quote]

Nope. I'm completely serious. Deal with it.

Reply February 26, 2014

People who believe that fluoride toothpaste is bad for you shouldn't be drinking water. lmao

@Icephoenix21 are you kidding? the military keeps getting cut more and more, giving less money to units. Also the military is down-sizing because of this. They're trying to kick more and more people out everyday.

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

The fluoride in toothpaste is so minimal, that as long as you're not ingesting a lot of it, I don't think it's a big deal.
That being said, however, some studies claim that fluoride really isn't aiding in the prevention of tooth decay.

I think that tripling minimum wage is ridiculous, although something about the economy needs to be done.
I say America should stop sticking its nose into foreign affairs and cut military spending.

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

People believing that fluoride toothpaste is bad for you.

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

[quote=SoulBlade]Minimum wage should be living wage, for full timers.[/quote]

i mean it is if you wanna live in the ghetto lol

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

everyone should be paid the same amount. health care should be free for everyone. <3

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

lol have you been talking to Euros? 'Cuz I can't think of anyone else lazy/entitled enough to demand s/t like 3x the min. wage. inb4 French start protesting because they aren't getting paid by the gov. AND their corp. when they protest.

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

triple the minimum wage? idk about that...

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

Minimum wage should be living wage, for full timers.

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

It shouldn't triple but it should be higher than it is right now. Living off of 8 dollars an hour kinda sucks.

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

If the minimum wage were to triple all of a sudden, then bye bye economy

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited

idk what fluoride toothpaste is... if people think that minimum wages should triple that's a bad idea. Cause people will up the prices of goods to pay for their employees. Also people will up their prices cause we got alot more money to spend,

Reply February 26, 2014 - edited