

elloimalex #General Talk


MapleStory Relay Marathon [b]MapleStory Relay Marathon Winners[/b] We can’t list them all here but over 8,000 qualified participants have been awarded 10,000 Maple Points. Thank you all for your participation and see you soon for our next relay marathon event! I didn't get my 10,000 Maple Points. Bye. [b]Edit[/b]: I wouldn't be making this thread if I forgot to do one of the relay parts. -.- [b]Edit[/b]:[quote=Rustsmoothie]Did you get a DB, Aran or Evan to level 30 in the [b]Chaos[/b] server? Some people thought it meant any server :/ I got mine.[/quote] Wowwwwwwwwwwww I was so looking forward to making a Dual Blade for my new main that I didn't read that you had to make one in Chaos. Made mines in Mardia, unfortunately. Now I'm really up


Who else is tired of this? I came here to rant so if you don't want to hear me complain, then the "go back page" button is located at the top left hand corner. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is sick of these players who cancel on you, when you make an offer they don't like. What's wrong with negotiating? So today I log on to MapleStory to try and sell my CS items I got from the Cash Shop surprise. I'm not really sure on the prices. They are not exactly the best looking CS item there, but I'd figure I could sell them for a decent amount. I get traded by this level 152 Shadower henehoe. He tell me to offer and I told him "don't you want to see them first?" I show him a Blade Overall & Headphone Beanie CS. They're no


So happy right now As of 11:30 PM Eastern Time. So lately I've been noticing so many pro people with those Stirgeman Powerpants. I always thought they looked so cool and pro and only rich people could get there hands on those. I've been wanting one for a long time. I had a Stirgeman Utility Pants for awhile. The level (20) one. I actually potential it and got it to Epic on the first try. But cubing it proved difficult since I would only get lame lines since it was the level (20). So I decided to just go to NLC and upgrade my epic Stirgepants. I didn't really mind that I would be losing my epic potential since it never gave me good stats in the first place. The hard part was yet to come. Hunting for the etc to upgrade it. Believe me when I s


I Just Snagged The Best Ign Ever I snagged doomie22. I'm surprised no one took it yet. First person to get the reference will receive 25k Karma Coin Code via skype and all my love and affection. Contest ends midnight eastern time. :D EDIT: HINT! You guys must not watch a lot of tv. Good ones apparently. *wink I will announce the winner on this thread when someone gets it. If no one gets it by midnight, I will give the nx to orphans who do not own a computer and or internet provider. EDIT: MORE THAN ONE ANSWERS IN A POST WILL NOT COUNT. WHEN I SEE SOMEONE THAT GUESSES IT RIGHT I WILL POST IT. EDIT: WE HAVE A WINNNNERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! FINALLY. YOU GUYS WERE STARTING TO BORE ME WITH YOUR ANSWERS THAT WERE NOT EVEN CLOSE. [quote=ArtisticDuel

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