

Than, then; your, you're.

Yes, you guessed it. I'm going to be a grammar wh.ore over this. I'm growing tired of people using than and then, as well as your and you're incorrectly.

Than is a conjunction used to compare two objects. For example: I am uglier [B]than[/B] you.
Then, on the other hand, is an adverb used to describe what happens after another. For example: I had breakfast, then I went out for a jog.
This word is [i]not[/i] to be mistaken with [B]than[/B].

Moving on, your is a possessive pronoun used to describe something you own. For example: Your base is under attack.
You're is a contraction(short form) for [B]you are[/B], which is like I am. For example: [B]You're[/B] bad at this game. Not to be confused with your.

Common mistakes when using these words:
I am uglier [B]then[/B] you.
I had breakfast, [B]than[/B] I went out for a jog.
[B]You're[/B] base is under attack.
[B]Your[/B] bad at this game.

I'm sure you have all seen these mistakes before, or even used the wrong word. These are very common grammatical mistakes, and I hope you've learned something from reading this.
I won't even go into their, there and they're at the moment.

Flame away~

April 26, 2011

48 Comments • Newest first


Thanks for the effort, but these threads only lead to people searching each other's comments for spelling, typographical, punctuational, sematic and grammatical errors; i.e. a thread full of the so-called Grammar Nazism which [i]is[/i] flame bait and normally something we suspend for. This thread would take too much time to sort out and there's more important stuff to do, so Basilers, ye be warned!

Reply April 27, 2011

Thank you! Teach basil kids the correct way to speak. [b]You're[/b] my idol.

Reply April 27, 2011

I hate it when people do this too. It frustrates me. o:

Reply April 27, 2011

Thank you for pointing out the proper use of each word.
To all you people who don't get it right and all you people who are doing it on purpose, you all just look like idiots who can't learn the difference between just a few words. As for you people that say you just don't care, you make yourself look even dumber by not being able to admit that you can't understand it.

Reply April 27, 2011

[quote=Anyone]I really don't care.

Than again, you're post said to flame away. Their I said it.[/quote]

did u mis-use "than" "you're" and "their" the way u did on purpose to piss him off?

Reply April 27, 2011

My pizza is more expensive then you'res.

Reply April 27, 2011

wow, the most prestigious in the basil aristocracy!

Reply April 27, 2011

@FurFarm: Wow really? You're seriously going to nit pick about that? I know that. As I said, we all make mistakes. Let's get it straight that it was a simple mistake. You're bring reported for being off topic. Will it make a difference? Probably not.

Reply April 27, 2011

I wish people would stop making grammar mistake's.

Reply April 27, 2011

more grammar lessons please

Reply April 27, 2011

[quote=WindInTheDust]You act as if language wasn't developed for the sole purpose of conveying thoughts and ideas.

Your so far up you're own ass, you fail to realize that none of these things are a hindrance to you're understanding of the ideas being conveyed. You act like it's important. Had the interchanging of the words not been stigmatized by arrogant, know-it-all assholes, for lack of a better word, their would be no reason to even remotely care about the interchanging of these words. Congratulations, you've made the world a worse place.

Also, are you that petty and irritable? Why would you care, much less let it [b]bother[/b] you? I don't get how you could let something so entirely unimportant ruin you're mood. Your choosing to be bothered, and it's no one's fault. It's you'res. No one should be making an effort to change their tendencies. You should. Your creating the problem.[/quote]

Reading something like this really bothered me. Do you want to know why? Sure, it doesn't prevent me from completely understanding the message that is intended to be made, but it does slow down how I read it. For example, when you say, "I don't get how you could let something so entirely unimportant ruin you're mood." I substitute "you're" into "you are" automatically as I read. And if you substitute "you are" into that sentence for "you're", it won't makes sense. I also do weird things for "your", "there", "their", and "they're" automatically in my head for what I should expect to come afterwards. If what I expect doesn't come afterwards, it slows things down and makes me reread the sentence until I understand which form of the homonym the person really means to have there.

Sure, it's not the biggest problem, but it does slow down how quickly I can read and understand sentences. If something is wrong, at times I have to reread the whole sentence which is a waste of time. Sure it's only a few seconds, but those seconds add up if you read a couple paragraphs, like your post, with grammar mistakes that are easily fixable.

Reply April 27, 2011

I shall not "flame away", because I totally agree with you. It is the basics of the English language. Those mistakes you mentioned are definitely a pet peeve of mine. I understand we all make mistakes and over look somethings, but when it is excessive.... ugh, that really gets under my skin.

Reply April 27, 2011

Oh yes every1 in this world grows up with english and knows how to speak it....
Srsly there are more ppl in this world, so stop living in ur own world where speaking/typing perfect english is a must.
I'm tired of these threads, ppl like u need to show some respect towards others. oh and btw most ppl hwo make those grammar mistakes speak at least more then 2 languages while u can only speak 'your perfect english' but I doubt it´s perfect, cuz someday YOUR gonna make a grammar mistake and then the grammar n@zi's will hunt u doooown.

Reply April 27, 2011

yes, this is really going to change the way people type on maplestory. :l

Reply April 27, 2011

If they're not going to learn this in grade 2 while stuck in a classroom, they're not going to learn it on Basilmarket.

@cb000: Very true; I do it sometimes. Fortunately, though, it's much easier to read past that mistake and not be annoyed by it.

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

OMMMGGG IM LEARNING AGAIN @_@ myy eyeesss it buurnns

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

I think the its-it's error appears more often.

People also mix up "lie" and "lay".

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

So your saying if i go their than you're people will attack my base?

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

[quote=Sweax]@trashed: Sorry, i must said that my grammar isn't always accurate. Buth thanks anyway for confirming that to me [/quote]

You're welcome?

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

@trashed: Sorry, i must said that my grammar isn't always accurate. Buth thanks anyway for confirming that to me

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

[quote=Sweax]Ow yes, finnaly a grammar person
Basil is such annyoing when it comes to good grammar. Like the word why is named as : 'y' (so i can't read it properly D[/quote]

>"grammar person"
>Basil is such annoying

You're right, it's pretty annoying that Basilers don't have good grammar.

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

well if your gonna ask nicely like this than sure i can do it

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

Ow yes, finnaly a grammar person
Basil is such annyoing when it comes to good grammar. Like the word why is named as : 'y' (so i can't read it properly D

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

Thank you for your grade 5 English Class lesson.

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

I could care less? So, people make mistakes on their grammar. People make mistakes on a lot of things. Internet grammar isn't really a top priority right now, I wouldn't think.

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

I just wanted to see what kind of response I would get, and what I saw was pretty much what I expected.

Reply April 27, 2011 - edited

[b]Definitely[/b], definately, definetly, defiantly, omgggggg.

[quote=AloeAlexis]Well I mean of course people make these mistakes over the internet, I mean it's the internet. What kind of square would get all mad about internet grammar?
not that you're a square but it really gets to me when I'm in an argument and they resort to commenting on my "horrible" grammar, when obviously, they just didn't have any other good comebacks.[/quote]

True, you can [b]definitely[/b] say that it doesn't matter on the internet, but when you slip up and use there instead of their, it can most [b]definitely[/b] be used to judge [b]your[/b] intelligence.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

man your such a grammar nazi

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

you think your cool cuz you know grammer

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

these are the only parts of grammar that drive me crazy when people use them wrong.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

it really pisses me off when people use than/then and your/you're interchangeably. just as much as it now irritates me when people use heat and temperature interchangeably...

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

Don't forget "A lot vs. alot"

I cringe every time I see it.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

Actually thankyou for this thread
I always had doughts between your and you're

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

You really wasted you're time trying to get basil to use proper grammer. I hope that someday people will use well grammer and than I will be happy.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

well here on the internet i still use some pretty correct grammar and i know em grammar rules but i feel like cutting things
so there=thar
and things like what=wut or wat

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited


Anyone with internet knows a trap when they see one.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

"I am uglier than you."
Hahaha !

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=FrozenFlameO]There's no use learning something unless you apply it. THANK YOU. These errors are so annoying.[/quote]

Please tell me you didn't fall for it.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

but than my grammer iz bettar then your's

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

Your and you're irritates me a lot too. As well as there, their and they're. I can understand if someone mixes it up when English isn't their main language, but I thought it was pretty common sense to people who only know English. We had lessons on the stuff at my school at about 12 years old.. :s

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

[quote=Horizon][b]You're[/b] mad?[/quote]

There's no use learning something unless you apply it. THANK YOU. These errors are so annoying.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

Your mad?

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited

GG. I kind of dislike it when people do this too.

Reply April 26, 2011 - edited