
Let's get a few things straight about Bishops.

I've noticed more "Bishopswillsuckharhar" and "No,we'reholierthanthou" comments over the past couple days, so I'll try to clear a few things up from both sides of the issue by giving my thoughts on certain comments I've seen. (Excuse any grammatical/spelling mistakes. I only proofread it once, and it isn't short.)

1. "Mages are going to be vunerable post BB, so let's get revenge on them"
First and foremost, those Bishops who wander into your Gallops or Jesters map and spam Gene are going to be [b]gone[/b]. Not because we won't KS people well, but because those Bishops were created for the sole purpose of making a side profit while their shops were open. They will quit their Bishops, so that person you'll see training with Angel Ray and Bahamut is more likely than not one of the honest Bishops who made a Bishop to have the best support/money svaing class in the game. Don't get "revenge" one someone who doesn't deserve it. We will still have an easy time fighting back, too. Bishops won't be helpless.

2. "Clerics and Priests are hard to level, so we deserve Genesis spam"

No, just no. Even when I was a Priest before Gallops, I got very good exp just soloing Himes after 90. Not with a DK, not with a CB. Solo. Now with Gallops, I'm sure it's even easier to get through to 120. As for Clerics, the only difficult times we have are from 30-35 and from 65-70 (If you can't GSPQ). We got Genesis because it kept us from crying about AMs, and it fits the mold of us getting skills to assist other classes in leveling.

3. "Bishops hold boss runs together"

At this point, Bishops aren't as [b]nessesary[/b] as we once were, but we're still incredibly helpful. We save everyone NX, time, and use important inventory space. As a side note, Evans, you need to stop saying Soul Stone in any way compares to Res. It's a good supplement to Res, but you can't revive people after they die, the targets of the buff are random, and most Evans don't reach the point where they would max Soul Stone.

4. "Bishops tend to be jerks"

This [i]is[/i] true, but once again, you mosly see those Bishops created only for Genesis acting that way. It won't be an issue soon enough.

5. "Bishops will be useless after the BB patch"

Perhaps if you only look at the gene cooldown, but we're only getting better suited to our role as the Medic/Buffer. We'll be more involved with training, and our support skills will be much easier to use. Honestly, It'll be simpler to train with AR/BB/Bahamut in a party since we'll more easily run to someone and give buffs and such. Plus, the Bishops that will still be around will most likely take up Bossing as a daily task rather than an occasional thing.

6. "Bishops are buff mules while bossing, and post BB, while training"

This depends on how you look at it. If the Bishop is just there to sit around and give buffs, it's a mule. If it's taking an active role with all of our useful supportive skills and attacks, it's a "Medic". During bossing, the buff mule description becomes even less accurate. At Zak, I'm constantly running around to make sure everyone has every buff, no one's under 60% hp, and no one has any debuffs to dispell. It's certainly a hands-on task. I'm not even able to talk half as much as everyone else becuase I can't just sit and hold/spam an attack button.

This is just my take on the whole thing, and some comments I've seen recently from both sides are incredibly misguided.

Your thoughts?

November 18, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


I'm an Arch Mage and I wholeheartedly agree with you.

Bishops deserve more than they get, they're not nannies, without their support people wouldn't be able to be as efficient as they are.

Reply November 18, 2010