errorreport #General Talk


The quotLegitquot players ruined Maplestory So many "legit" players tried to claim how there was no point in being legit and bought into these duped weapons. All it took was self control, if the majority of Maplestory actually had self respect, then they wouldn't of bought anything obviously duped. Instead many of them fell into the temptation, such as temptations of the past such as Pink scroll glitching, etc. I guess greed caused this. The problem is, you want to throw around the blame to hackers about how the economy shattered, but when it comes down to the fact many players who consider themselves legit have exploited so many past exploits, that also contributed to the collapse. How hard is it to have self control? I've been i


High leveled players HAVE LIVES. For crying out loud. Tons of you act like little children insulting others and pointing fingers. You wouldn't like it if someone sat there harassing you in real life everyday throwing hateful and bigoted comments now would you? You people are no different then sexist people, racist people, etc. You think it is "cool" to do it because you are hiding on the shroud of the big bad internet. You do realize that there are TWENTY FOUR HOURS in one day right? I am sure they can fit time into their schedule to level. Also who cares if they spend money on the game? It is no different than buying 20 xbox 360 games that will be worthless in five years in the 5$ bin at gamestop and you having bought them new ma


Still no shield user All these duplicate weapon and only slightly new weapon variant classes/jobs and none of them use shields as their primary weapon. Even if it was a special weapon class called "Battle Shield" to keep them from needing to modify existing shields it'd be great. On top of that it could have a switch spell to convert some shield defense into attack. Just think of all the neat skills they could have. Shield based combat is great and I try to utilize classes that can have shields as their primary weapon.


Singapore: An Example Of Laziness/Carelessness OK, the reason why Singapore has the EXP to HP ratio it has is because. The HP of the mobs didn't get affected from big bang but the exp was automatically changed due to the formula. The reason being is Maplestory Korea DOES NOT HAVE SINGAPORE NOR MALAYSIA. This goes to show that either the employees weren't thinking or it was laziness and they just translated the current KMS code and did barely anything to it. I believe this might get fixed with patch number two.

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