
Liers and beggers

I just met a lier. He was a lvl 82 BaM. battledeath2 was his IGN. I'm wait for the plane to go from Singapore to Kering. Then he comes in only equiped with some lvl 40 earrings, mushking gloves (lvl35 i dont remeber the name) and some shoes. EDIT: AND A SHIELD

The first thing he says is that he need some spare since he just got hacked. So I asked him why they didn't take his shield, and that maybe it was because his equipment tab was full. Then he claimed he got it from a friend who had a spare.
The next thing is that I ask him if he can unequip it, then I will believe him. He askes me why, and I answer that it'll prove that he got hacked.

Then he just bails off the plane. I found this hillarious and wanted to share it with you.

I know I might acted inapropriate...

January 9, 2011

4 Comments • Newest first


every time I log in, this dude would chat me up and ask me if I had any low lvl mage equips I can give to him.
I don't mind giving them away since I end up npcing most of them anyways, but it's so annoying...

Reply January 9, 2011

a mage went to me: hey you pirate buy me lv10 armor
i just left him -_-

Reply January 9, 2011

Acctualy it doesn't. Also I was supposed to prove him right. I don't know if he had a full equip tab, but since he had no other clothes/equipments then those I mentioned, my thoughts were that he didn't have enough slots in his inventory to unequip it.
If he had unequiped it, it wouldn't proved anything else then he didn't have a full equipment tab

Reply January 9, 2011

I saw it? Pretty easy to spot if someone has an Esther shield equiped or not...

Reply January 9, 2011