felipe123450 #General Talk


Shiny Red Thief Symbol slot? In the technological update these new makerable face accessories came out, Shiny Red Thief Symbol Face Accessory - Thieves only Req Level: 130 DEX: +3 LUK: +3 WDEF: +26 MDEF: +26 Weapon Attack: +3 Accuracy: +30 Avoid: +30 Equip tradeblock Platinum Scissors of Karma My question is, what slot do these take up? the dual blade mask? or the Evan glasses slot? (Im speaking of the event that gives us onyx glasses/blood masks) Yes this is proven because the items were identified in the GMST extractions. Thanks.


4 hour 2x exp coupon gift + other things [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=rl9wyw&s=7][/url] I was going on my e-mail to create a new account for a beta key I received from another game, when I found this. I've seen people selling codes for these, and i'm having trouble deciding whether to sell (which isn't relatively easy since I wont give out the code until I receive payment of some sort to prevent scamming), or to use it myself. What is the best choice? Also, is the weapon cover permanent if anyone else has received this?