

finfin #Phantom Talk

General Phantom

Should I perfect my cane? I have a 10 slots (hammered) clean 133 atk empress cane with pretty decent legendary potential. Recently, with the launching of tempest shop and shield ward + shield scroll, I start scrolling it using the 40% atk scroll which gives 5 atk and +3 all stat. After spending 4 shield ward + 4 shield scroll, i managed to scroll it to 143 atk (passed 2). Now I look at the 8 empty weapon slots and really in dilemma whether I should actually perfect it, or just throw some Azwan scroll (which gives +2 atk per slot) into it. well, from the experiences of my 2 previous scrolling, it would take another 16 shield scrolls and 16 shielding ward to finish scrolling the whole cane. That will cost me 155k NX! and perfect scrolled equi