

What's the use of Jaguar-oshi?

So, what's the use of Jaguar-oshi?
I'm lvl70 at the moment, with maxed mastery, Ricochet, Jaguar Rawr, It's Raining Mines, FA. 7 into SA and 13 into oshi.
I've got 3 SP left. What should I do with them? Max SA or put 3 more into oshi? As of now I couldn't use it on most of the monsters I trained on.

Any help is appreciated !

[url=]lvlup to 70 ![/url]

January 9, 2011

10 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Gunzbattle]You screwed up your SP distribution. Hope for a Hot Time Event III or wait for months until Chaos to get a full SP reset. Jaguar-oshi is godly man. Why would you not choose to max it but put into It's Raining Mines instead? That skill is useless. Jaguar-oshi at max lasts 200 sec and gives you +15% Crit Rate or W. ATT or +50% Dodge Rate or Defense or Max MP Increase (the only useless out of the 5)[/quote]
Jzus, it's just 4 SP. It's now lvl16 out of 20.

@above: I can still attack even when they're coming out.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

Mines are useless. They can't be aimed and you can't attack when one is being dropped.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

Future spots such as ToT, Ludibrium, herb town, etc. all have good spots meant for use with jagoshi. It really helps with training and sometimes even bossing. Much better than mines.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

[quote=Cannera]Why would you max rawr... Never used it once[/quote]
I use it quite often to mob monstes :o!

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

Why would you max rawr... Never used it once

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

[quote=Firestone160]You guys make it sound like I completely screwed up >_<. I still have lvl16 oshi, and if I really want, I could just buy a bit nx and reset these 4 SP? :o
Mines actually helped alot :O![/quote]

For my WH, i actually maxed out everything but mines. It doesn't make a large difference on the level of mines.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

You guys make it sound like I completely screwed up >_<. I still have lvl16 oshi, and if I really want, I could just buy a bit nx and reset these 4 SP? :o
Mines actually helped alot :O!

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

you didn't max soul arrow... and mines instead... the only substitute for mines would be rawr but you maxed that and mines. Normally you'd max everything cept either one of the two. Jaguar-oshi works on monsters in KMS and GMS and cannot be used in PQ's but it gives crazy boosts at chances... bad move

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

The problem is, it doesn't work on most of the monsters I have trained on so far . Some future spots: same story.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited

Oshi has great buffs if you let the jaguar swallow the enemy--% damage increase, %MP increase, %dodge increase, %Critical increase. You'd be a fool not to use/max it.

Reply January 9, 2011 - edited