

Do your parents have the right to kick you out

If they caught you smoking TOBACCO?

Yes or no?

My answer would be yes.

February 10, 2012

23 Comments • Newest first


[quote=primalfurey]they should have the right to beat your ass for being so god damn stupid though (if you were the one smoking)[/quote]
Opinion, and there most likely won't be a change in the law. You can't just immediately kick them out. There has to be some kind of process.

Reply February 14, 2012

@metaghost3: I was loling at the fact that I have to take the kid back. I don't really get to concerned with typos bro. Whatever, I would just take the kid back and give him/her a 30 day warning that in 30 day's i am kicking his arse out!

Reply February 14, 2012

You make parents sound like saints if they wish to drop parenthood when it's inconvient

Reply February 14, 2012

Herb is better js~~

And no they dont. After 18 they do tho

Reply February 13, 2012

I agree with the thread starter and dragonbandit
The reason kids are so spoiled now is because they do whatever they want knowing it doesn't matter
After you're 18, your parents have every right to kick you out of THEIR house.
Honestly if you give the people that raised you so much hell that they even have to kick you out in the first place, you deserve it

Reply February 13, 2012

[quote=pr3stig3]No, lmao. It's not a hardcore drug. It has a stigma of being paired with hardcore drugs, hence it being called a "gateway" drug, but it's not a hardcore drug.[/quote]
what about meth? i think it's hard AF

Reply February 13, 2012

@metaghost3: Naw thinking that if its my child and my house Idgaf! His/her arse is out the door. This is why teenagers piss me off they think they can do whatever they want.

Reply February 13, 2012


Reply February 13, 2012

@ModernWarfare3: You got lucky cause I wouldn't give a crap. I would kick your or anyone's arse out. Anyways I am pretty sure that's not the law in every state.

Reply February 13, 2012

[quote=ModernWarfare3]Legally no, if you've lived in a household for 30 days it takes 30 days to kick that person out, unless they file a restraining order. ( california ) assuming you're 18.
+ i don't think the cops care if you smoke tobacco really. Kids smoke at my school all the time in fron of the teachers off campus. They don't care.[/quote]

If your 18+ and pay rent. We are talking about lazy good for nothing leeches. That live with their parents and don't follow their rules. If the child doesn't pay rent. The parent can kick your arse out for drinking their milk if they want. I am not gonna be taking my kids crap. They either do as I say or live on the streets. None of this american none disciplining, let my child do what ever they want crap. The child isn't the boss the parents are. If my child has life cause of me why should I take his crap? Teenagers piss me off thinking they own the world and can do whatever they want.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

I got beat by my dad for the first time in my life when I told them I smoke.
he's cool with it now, just doesn't want me smoking in the house

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

I've seen parents kick their kids out for less, even under the age of 18. It's their house, so they feel as though it is their "right". Now, in terms of "right" as in if it's the right thing to do, no, I think it's petty reason to kick their child out and there are other ways to deal with that situation if they want their said child to quit.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

Depends if they're 18+ I'm 19 so yeah

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

Tobacco? I don't think so.
They do have the right to smack 'em around a bit for being idiots, but not kick them out.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

If you're 18 or older, they can kick you out whenever they please. If not, no, but they can punish you.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=HalfPast12]Well, it's a hardcore drug... So I guess she had the right.[/quote]

No, lmao. It's not a hardcore drug. It has a stigma of being paired with hardcore drugs, hence it being called a "gateway" drug, but it's not a hardcore drug.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

Real responsible parents who care about your well-being and future would never do that. Especiall if it's your first confrontation. I don't think smoking cigarettes is ground for kicking someone out of the house - while a nasty costly habit, it's not illegal.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

If you own the house, no. If they own the house, yes. Even so, I would definitely not appreciate the smell of Tobacco getting in all the fabrics and furniture of the house in the first place. The stuff reeks and is hard to get rid of.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=HalfPast12]My mom was going to kick me out because of smoking marijuana.[/quote]

And your point...? Tobacco =/= marijuana, just fyi.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

My parents do.
Because I'm an if they just wanted me to leave...I would.
but I'm a poor college student

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=pr3stig3]Tobacco....? Are you freaking serious?

They absolutely do not have enough of a valid reason to kick you out for smoking effing tobacco. I was expecting some hardcore drug, but tobacco? C'mon man.. -_-[/quote]


Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

Tobacco....? Are you freaking serious?

They absolutely do not have enough of a valid reason to kick you out for smoking effing tobacco. I was expecting some hardcore drug, but tobacco? C'mon man.. -_-

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited