

(P/C) %LUK and %INT Accessories

Would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me put an approximate price range on these items. Haven't played much since 2013 so I have no idea what they're worth in today's market.

Edit: Bera server


November 29, 2015

2 Comments • Newest first


Earrings are worth a lot less because superior gollux earrings (even clean) are already as good. They are fully tradeable, but not endgame worthy.

Khroan prices from here on (close enough to Bera though)
Mask might be like 6-8b going off SW glasses price (equivalent endgame), but considering they're fully tradeable. a 21-23% Int SW might go for about 5-7b. Also factor in the cost of nebs to be 2-3b (so add that onto the final price for a total of ~10b)

Specs might be about 3-5b, considering they're 18% luk, and the equivalent SW is 17% luk (but unique, not legendary). With this in mind, the specs are a tier higher, fully tradeable. you have to do the same thing here, consider the neb to be around 3.5b and so your final price is around 5-6b. A 17% stat unique sw goes for 1.5-2b normally.

Reply November 29, 2015