

Stupid Crash Limit

Anyone else really annoyed that you only have the use of crash once now per monster. I mean i found it stupidly annoying in the crimson wood keep that i couldn't crash the masters repeatedly. Or am i just the only one thinking this was a dumb move?

February 10, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


What's the point in Dark Knights now? Rather have just one all purpose Pally for crashing + taunt.


Reply February 13, 2012

[quote=djp2313]You can use a crash after a binding or a binding after a crash -- directly after. You have to wait 1 min if you want to use the same skill one after another, no matter who is casting it.[/quote]

Oh thanks man that actually helped a lot! I was having so much trouble at Von Leon until i read your post! Thanks again mate!

Reply February 12, 2012

[quote=djp2313]You can use a crash after a binding or a binding after a crash -- directly after.[/quote]

ohkay. thanks.

OT: flare better not be a celestial mage >;

Reply February 10, 2012

Wait, so which is it? I'm confused.

Reply February 10, 2012

[quote=Dinchman]Timing magic crash is too confusing for my little INTless warrior to handle anyway. Now I can just use it whenever I feel like it and it's all cool.[/quote]


@djp2313: That clears everything up.

"Demon Slayer's Binding Darkness and Warrior's (Explorer) Magic Crash cannot be used consecutively on monsters. (Monsters that are affected by Binding Darkness or Magic Crash will resist the skills at 100% for 1 minute [b]after the effect wears off[/b].)"

*selffacepalm* (edit: facepalm@self*)

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

[quote=darkspawn980]does OP mean the cooldown on the skill, or what?[/quote]

Ah, I get it now! I just tested it on dojo mano. Right after crash's cooldown finished, I crashed mano and he resisted it with RESIST letters. However, if I waited a bit longer (more than a few seconds), it would work. So my theory in brackets was correct It says nothing about the change on Magic Crash's skill description.

New crash sucks.

@Edit: OT: just wait a while before you use crash again after the cooldown ends. You can use it more than once per monster.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

does OP mean the cooldown on the skill, or what?

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited

wait, what? i believe you can crash as many times as you want as long as its 1 minute (or is it a bit over 1 minute which is why your consecutive crash didn't work? idk, i don't know if this is even the case) after you first crashed.

Reply February 10, 2012 - edited