
Buying Nx with debit card Canada

so i'm trying to buy nx with my debit card for the first time.

I'm with canada trust and i just upgraded it the visa/debit so i can buy stuff online (yay)
I've bought things online from eBay and Kijiji but nexon wont let me buy nx... does any other person have this same problem?
If you know what's wrong, or if i'm even allowed, please let me know. thanks!

April 1, 2013

5 Comments • Newest first


I'm in Canada and I Buy nx off my PP fine o-o

Reply April 1, 2013

@leafreed: I could go to my local Shoppers store and get it for exact 1:1 ratio. But charging a little more in the long run isn't really good.

Reply April 1, 2013

[quote=leafreed]I think you should use and make a paypal account. I use it all the time for my NX[/quote]

I did that when the CAD was larger than USD. It gave me a slight few cents of discount.

But now that the USD is higher, I decided not to buy it from online anymore.

Also, are there any other legit sites that sell Karma Koins?

Reply April 1, 2013

You cannot buy NX from their site with a debit card.

Reply April 1, 2013

Just go buy a prepaid mastercard or visa.

Reply April 1, 2013