

Choosing what to say

There are those moments in life that you know what you will say is crucial. These include speeches, oral reports, etc. My friend and I were talking about cutting a cake with a fork and splitting it between people without making a mess. He said it could be done by I said it was impossible. I'm gonna bring him a thick cake with the smallest fork possible and make him cut it in front of other people. What would be the best thing to say when I present him with the cake. I was thinking: Game On or Get r done but I'd love to her your suggestions.

February 15, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=OynxXX]Heres the cake
Heres the fork (trollface)

Brb popcorn[/quote]

I would totally do that but where I'm going doesn't have a microwave and no way am I waiting an hour.

Reply February 15, 2013

I've actually cut a cake with a fork before (not an ice-cream cake) because my friends and I chipped in money to buy a cake for a friend's birthday, but we didn't have any knives...

Reply February 15, 2013