Police perform housetohouse raids in Watertown MA ripping innocent families from their homes


Boston houses were raided illegallySPOILERpolice state


think boston houses were only raided if the owner allowed them to? Think again. try saying no to 50 fat cops pointing (actual) assault rifles at you without getting killed.

protip: the police state is coming

April 23, 2013

20 Comments • Newest first


@free321123: Right, because they have 50 SWAT members with rifles at the ready to shoot you in the face should you so much as sneeze. That's not how it works. They will have 2-3 officers knock on your door and request politely to look around. Should you refuse, they will use minor force to move you aside and look around as it's their job.

Reply April 24, 2013

[quote=Davyn]having the cops take a peek around my apartment. Stop being so paranoid and disrespectful.[/quote]
banging on your door, have 50 people pointing a gun at your face, and demanding you put your hands up is classified as "peek around"? And for the last part, I will be respectful when the police are.

Reply April 24, 2013

[quote=free321123]The police are here to protect you![/quote]

So you would rather live with the Schrodinger's Cat of your neighbor possibly, or possibly not, harboring a highly dangerous individual that may or may not put you in a dangerous situation in the near future should he become insane and enraged? I would think that's a bit more scary than having the cops take a peek around my apartment. They really don't give a rats ass about what else they find so long as it's not a meth lab or an underground arms dealing. Stop being so paranoid and disrespectful.

Reply April 24, 2013

There was a bombing suspect on the loose and you're surprised by this?...

@free321123 Rights don't mean crap in extraneous circumstances.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

[quote=Davyn]You should take a law class before sharing your unwelcome and misinformed opinion.[/quote]

The police are here to protect you!

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

You should take a law class before sharing your unwelcome and misinformed opinion.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

I never knew people were so fond of having their constitutional rights(4th amendement to be exact) stripped from them

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

[quote=CouponGoddess]Funny how the people that weren't even THERE are more angry than the ones that were.
If they have a probable cause (which they did) they'll just go on and search without your consent. I'd rather be pissed than dead. I'm sure most people would too. [/quote]

even better, we could put a tracking chip in everyone's brain so we wouldn't even need to raid houses. The authorities would just always be able to see where we are at all times. Can't get much safer then that.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

Funny how the people that weren't even THERE are more angry than the ones that were.
If they have a probable cause (which they did) they'll just go on and search without your consent. I'd rather be pissed than dead. I'm sure most people would too.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

ugh, im pretty greatfull i'll be dead before we are fully living in a 1984esq state.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

[quote=free321123]If someone within 50miles of you decides to play real life call of duty then your house is getting raided without your consent. I can't imagine what they would do if they searched the house entirely and found legally owned guns.

ign insider protip: they are taking them and you are going to prison[/quote]

If they decide to play real-life call of duty with you, you play real life battlefield back! its obvious that battlefield is the superior game and should not be questioned further

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

That's what happening in Afghanistan and what happened when we were in Iraq. The War on Terror is turning our home into a warzone and unfortunately, this kind of stuff is normal during war. Terrorism is never going to stop because there will always be someone who don't care about other people's lives. The scary implication is that the War on Terror is never going to end, and we'll continue to be in a perpetual state of war.

The good news is that they won't be doing this again any time soon. It cost the government hundreds of millions of taxpayer's money to do this (I read somewhere it cost about $300million). It's impractical to search everybody's house everytime a bomb goes off.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

if that was me i would be so scared lol. but anyways, i dont really blame them for doing this. yes they searched the homes without warrants or whatever, but its easy to say "wow they have no right to do such a thing" when there were no other bombs set off and they caught the suspects. if another bomb was set off and the suspects were on the loose i can guarantee that people would say "why didnt they search homes for the suspects? no one would mind if they searched their houses if they have nothing to hide."

time is of the essence in this situation. and search warrants can take a day or two to be issued

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

@free321123: searching for possible "terrorists" as they put it in the news within the vicinity is enough probable cause, so yes it is probable cause

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

[quote=Loss]I'm sure if your city got blown up, you'd try to help with the investigation as much as possible.[/quote]

I live in Memphis. the police are scared to go on certain neighborhoods here. They would not be doing this.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

[quote=azel088]When the police have probable cause then the need for consent flies out the window.[/quote]
No they do not and that is not a probable cause.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited


think boston houses were only raided if the owner allowed them to? Think again. try saying no to 50 fat cops pointing (actual) assault rifles at you without getting killed.

protip: the police state is coming[/quote]

When the police have probable cause then the need for consent flies out the window.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

[quote=Loss]If they blow up half the city (exaggeration), I'm sure some rules will be bent.[/quote]

Law, while screwy, is binding in the courtroom.

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited

[quote=Loss]If they blow up half the city (exaggeration), I'm sure some rules will be bent.[/quote]
If someone within 50miles of you decides to play real life call of duty then your house is getting raided without your consent. I can't imagine what they would do if they searched the house entirely and found legally owned guns.

ign insider protip: they are taking them and you are going to prison

Reply April 23, 2013 - edited