
Why do most people offer me higher price than store

I don't get it, for some reason they think they can sell bronze plate at 50k each when the ore is 10k in store
and cost about only 30k which should be the MAX price possible for a bronze plate.
of course if they sell it for 30k each why should I even waste time trading them if I can just get bulk in store
By my logic bronze plate should be lower than 30k.
A lot of other people told me its higher than 30k because of fatigue and time wasted making and % to get dust.
WELL ORE GIVES U EXP and if u have a mule u can set it on auto pilot so its not really wasted fatigue or wasted time IMO
IN FACT I would be glad to do free refining on my mule to get his minig to 10 to yield better result in part time.
and chance to dust? well its 10% I think so increase cost to by 10% u still only get 33K
and this sceneraio applies to all the mineral that are sold in store, are people honestly that stupid and doesn't understand
consumers can just BUY IT IN STORE?

btw if anyone is buying bronze for 50k each lemme know cuz I got tons of bronze to sell to those

September 13, 2012

10 Comments • Newest first


in the world of merchant as long as there is people who pays with demand all logic can be defy
if there is actually people who pay me 50k per bronze bar I would happily reject all my previous statment thats just how it goes

anyone else want to explain how did people get the price of 50k per bronze plate as their expected price

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

to tuesdaymorning
the major reason why people smelt ores is not because it adds value or that it saves the buyer from fatigue
the majore reason is that ores simply take up too much space.

Reply September 14, 2012 - edited

The smelting inherently adds value to the good, so the price is naturally higher than that of the raw materials. Woot econ <3

Reply September 14, 2012 - edited

to showbiztrain I never stated that selling bronze at 50k each is wrong. In the world of merchanting right and wrong is very vaguely defined the
only thing that exist are choices and alternative options. And I personally don't sell bronze at all but 50k each to me is a pretty good offer for me to let go of my bronze stock.

to Maplekyori Its something I COULD BE DOING if there is people actually paying that. I personally just keep it and make earings if I have free time.

to zyanoid
Are you seriously not familiar with how economy works or are you way too young to understand. Let me explain to you in full detail then
If there exist a place that sells things in bulk and very readily supplies you, people won't buy it from other place unless they are cheaper.
In real world there is supermakets, in maplestory there is stores. Altenative options in the real world would be to buy them from small shops
or stands, but if they sell more than supermarkets there is no way they can survive since supermarket has their stock more readily.
same thing applies to maple if I were to buy BRONZE ORE for 10k each I WOULD NEVER ask a player since I can just buy it in store at a way
faster rate. The ONLY thing that would make me buy from players is that their price is LOWER THAN 10k per ore. Since you can get ore
from part time and mining on your own I am making the statement that RAW MATERIAL COST for bronze ore BETWEEN PLAYERS
should be less than 10k each ore.

To thingy
I would be WILLING to do 5k per plate refining on my mule to anyone who asks
will you pay me for my labor? labor in this sceneraio is very very negligble
I am only taking 1/4 of the profit while doing all the work I seriously doubt anyone would pay me.

to lmaboy159
YES I will be willing to pay for a tree instead of a desk if I can just put it in a FREE MACHINE and input some simple codes
and have it done AUTOMATICALLY while I do something else. Sadly the real world is not that convienet. Luckily maple story is.

Reply September 14, 2012 - edited

[quote=Zyanid]You'll never get anywhere if you sell or expect people to sell things at the price that the raw materials are worth. This doesn't only apply to Maple.[/quote]

There was a time where the items to make a dabr were around the same as the actual ring im not sure about now.

Reply September 13, 2012 - edited

u just ranted about something your doing..

Reply September 13, 2012 - edited

^Got it in one.

Reply September 13, 2012 - edited

they know people are lazy. They take advantage of the fact that people rather buy an item than waste x amount of time making it.

Reply September 13, 2012 - edited

...wats ur point

Reply September 13, 2012 - edited

Totally had me until the end. Clever you.

EDIT: I'm not sure if i'm over-analyzing or you people don't get it. He's arguing that people sell bronze plates for 50K each and rants about it, stating why it's wrong.
Then he says very briefly at the end "btw if you're interested im selling bronze plates for 50k."

Reply September 13, 2012 - edited