
Brothers Come join my 60 coin quest crusade

Full story:
At the release of the champion quest a quest named sporty party is released along with it. Sporty party gave each character above level 10 60 home coming coins. Some players saw the possibility of gaining lots of clean slate/AEE through the use of remaking characters to receive rewards and didn't think too much about it because they have done similar things in the past with the creation of jett and aran.
The next day Nexon hell banned almost everyone who were remaking characters to farm rewards, everyone were confused as to what was going on and couple wars have started on forums debating the topics. And Tyler (volunteer for nexon) gave us answers that Hell ban was just to allow time for them to remove items created from mistakes and NOT to punish anyone and most likely no one will be banned. A week after the hell ban Hime (forum moderator for nexon) gave out information that people have been released from hell ban, but some are perm banned because they farmed too much. Now a new war begins.

The two main questions are:
"Did players who created characters to farm the coins from this event violate anything within the ToS?"
"Is it just to ban said players?"

The argument is split up into "for" and "against" a ban. The main players, in my opinion, that have stated their opinions on the matter are shown below.


fubs100000000 (me)

Assume P is for premise and C is for conclusion.
Arguments For:
P. The event was a glitch, because Nexon removed it.
P. Said players abused the glitch and violated the ToS.
C. Said players deserve to be banned.

P. The event was an "error in design".
P. Said players abused the "error in design" and violated the ToS.
C. Said players deserve to be banned.

This is their strongest argument, basically nexon can do anything it feels like
P: There was something wrong with the 60 coins event Shown in retrospect by Nexon's action to amend the event
P: Any person should've foreseen something wrong with the 60 coins event Premise subject to judgment from Nexon
P: Repetitively creating characters for the purpose of benefiting from an aspect in which something is wrong is abuse
P: An individual who commits abuse of the service is subject to a ban, in line with section 10.1 of the Nexon Terms of Use.
P: 60 coin abusers were individuals that committed an abuse
C: 60 coin abusers are subject to a ban, in line with section 10.1 of the Nexon Terms of Use.

However it doesn't give me a good impression of Nexon as a company because they:
1. Shift the responsibility of their mistake towards the players, i.e. "players should have foresaw the oddity".
2. Rely on an assumption that players did foresee the oddity and then ban them.
3. Not justifying with the ToS and simply using the power they have in this situation.
And Nexon has not clarified if their action is justified under section 10.1 of the ToS

Arguments Against:
P. The event was not a glitch, as there is no evidence supporting it.
P. Said players therefore did not abuse any glitches related to the event and therefore have not violate the ToS.
C. Said players do not deserve to be banned.

P. The event was not an "error in design" but a "poor design".
P. Said players therefore did not violate the "error in design" rule stated in the ToS.
C. Said players do not deserve to be banned.

P. Because there is no evidence supporting the event being a glitch, players could not have possibly known or guessed that the event could have been a glitch, if it were to be one.
P. Said players acted in a way they thought was in accordance with the ToS.
C. Said players do not deserve to be banned.

P. Nexon did nothing to the players who used similar methods to benefit from past events (e.g. 50% scroll for Arans or jett renegade coin farm).
P. Because nothing was stated in the ToS that one couldn't create characters to benefit from events, with the addition of the fact that Nexon did nothing to the accounts that did, said players assumed they violated no rules and that Nexon was okay with said players creating characters.
C. Said players do not deserve to be banned.

As you can see, the arguments I've presented for and against is somewhat biased because I'm in the "against" side.
However I want to stress that the players "for" the ban have not, to date, provided game play evidence that the event was a glitch, or any confirmation from Nexon how it was a glitch. I also want to stress that the event being an "error in design" has already been refuted with examples I've given in past threads, and not one of those refutations have been addressed by the said "for" players.

Nexon banned players who are not in violation with the term of service

What you can do to help:
I have presented some questions for nexon to answer and so far they refused to answer them and the thread was locked or attacked by trolls, all I am asking is for is players to create account on nexon's forum and comment on the link I have provided below saying that you demand answers to make Nexon answer these questions

the questions will be the following
is nexon ok with remaking character grab reward rinse and repeat?
Can nexon suggest ways in which we can identify unintended issues?
Is nexon's action currently written within the ToS ? If yes where, If no is it going to be in the ToS?
when the issue was abused multiple times, how does it suddenly prove that players is doing it intentionally knowing it being an unintended issue?

October 11, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


Nexon has the right to ban anybody for no reason at all. Isn't that in the ToS or something? lol

Reply October 11, 2012

You deserved that ban.
Stick with it.

Reply October 11, 2012