

gath #Chat Talk

General Chat

Save the trees! Don't recycle. According to economics, this is the correct way to do things. By not recycling, demand for trees goes up. When demand goes up, more are supplied. Thus, not recycling means more trees will be supplied, (planted) increasing the number of trees. There are a few problems with this particular situation (forests will still be destroyed for tree farms, the number of trees on earth must be below the number supplied in order to have an effect) but the basic principal works. Another example: We have over a billion cows on earth. We use cows for lots of things. We have few polar bears on the earth. We have no uses for polar bears. Make sense? It's an interesting concept, one of the few times economics seems illogical.

General Chat

What's so bad about Glenn Beck? So, a lot of the time on basil, I've seen users attacking FOX news or Glenn Beck. In fact, most people seem to say that both of them are terrible, and act like this is obvious. I have never actually watched his show, but in order to see why everybody hates him, I looked some videos of his worst statements up on YouTube. Admittedly, I'm on an iPod so I can't see every video there is, but I still don't understand the dislike. From what I've seen, democrats simply attack FOX news and Glenn Beck for being Republican. So, if anyone has conclusive evidence that shows he is an idiot, or legitimate reasons for not trusting him, I'd like to know. Be aware that I'm not supporting him, I just want to know why everyone o

General Chat

Is being gay a sin? So, I had an interesting conversation with some of my friends today. They are of the opinion that being gay, in and of itself, is a sin, even if you don't act on it (Having intimate relations/marriage to another person of the same gender) I believe it's not a sin if you don't act on it, but some interesting points were made. So, what are your beliefs on it? Is it not a sin, despite what thr Bible says? Is it only if you act on it? Is it in and of itself a sin? I'm interested in other Christians (or non-Christians) opinions. Please don't flame here (God doesn't exist/Religion is stupid) I want to have a real debate.