

To The Moon - Thoughts?

This game is just so.....strong. I haven't even finished it yet, I'm still shaken by it so much. It's better than any book I've ever read, any movie I've ever seen and any other game I've ever played. The music is simply fantastic, the game's story is too good to be a game, and this is my new favorite game for sure.

But anyway, on to the point of this thread. I want to know how many of you have played it or heard of it it or watched somebody play it, and what you thought of it. If you haven't heard of it, search it on youtube or google it or something, I'm too busy playing to find a link.

September 4, 2012

9 Comments • Newest first


[quote=mybuttxx]I closed my eyes..but I couldn't stop need to play the game now. I hate maself for spoiling it [/quote]

There's a lot more than just that, I would suggest still playing it.

Reply September 4, 2012

[quote=Sirenize]i played it for the first time like... last week.

this game. deserves. all of the awards. i literally just cried for hours playing the game. it was really emotional for me, being a sensitive person and all, ((WARNING SPOILERS)) up to the part where john's brother gets run over, until when river and john are little kids in their secret "spot", and finally when that hoe rosalene was trying to remove river from his memories, tears just poured from my eyes throughout all of that. it was just so sad. i was in utter shock with the storyline and the events that happened, my heart couldn't take it. i felt so connected to it all.

the game definitely changed me, i love indie games like this, and i'd reccomend it to anyone. the emotions i felt playing this game were just unreal.

@gee187: or torrent it cough cough
though you should support the game and their developers by buying a real copy if you really liked it[/quote]

I closed my eyes..but I couldn't stop need to play the game now. I hate maself for spoiling it

Reply September 4, 2012

[quote=Gee187]Well, there's always other options. Like, get your friends to all pitch for it [/quote]

Ah right, I'm sure my friends will be willing to chip in thanks for the advice hehehehe

Reply September 4, 2012


I don't has that kind of munnies[/quote]

Well, there's always other options. Like, get your friends to all pitch for it

Reply September 4, 2012 - edited


I don't has that kind of munnies

Reply September 4, 2012 - edited

I've never tried it, but I will. Games with great storylines are the best.

Reply September 4, 2012 - edited

[quote=HotMess]explain it 2 me[/quote]

It's a game about two people that go into peoples minds and alter their memories to make their wildest dreams come true, it only covers one person in this game and it's just so amazing. Moving, is what it is.

Reply September 4, 2012 - edited

I was quite disturbed (in a thoughtful way) by the game Ib. I'd like to compare it to this game you speak of!

Reply September 4, 2012 - edited

explain it 2 me

Reply September 4, 2012 - edited