

geekjorge #General Talk


so i got this idea form somewhere and was wondering what if there was a push to talk button on maple my reasons for this is: 1. I type like a turtle meaning very slow like 2. guild chat might be better, party chat could be simpler on who does what, or Expeditions might go smoother if people knew what to do by someone telling them instead having to read the text but by then it's too late and half the party is dead 3. trolling might be more enjoyable(like they try to troll you and you can troll back this way it's a better argument)[i don't know had to appease to more people i think] 4.anything you can think of? so yeah give pro's cons of the idea would this be a better improvment or not and yes i am aware of the deaf or mute people out there


bard class? what do you think ok so i know people are going to say no just no because of all the new classes but what if its not a class that is a mash up of other classes cool right just weapon is an instrument and diffrent types of bards from string to wind instruments and diffrent types of buffs with music and attacks like sonic boom or rapid hits from either guitar solos to drum solos what about you any ideas? what do you think? am i crazy or does this sound better than the upcoming classes? (idea came to me while watching k-on so yeah :D )