
Are potential levels inclusive?

I've heard both that lvl 70 do/don't get the lvl 70+ potentials.
Will an Android Top get the 9% potentials?
It was confusing because lvl 70+ (including 70) equips get hb/haste/mystic door so I don't see any reason why lvl 70 equips don't get 9% potentials.

September 17, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


the level ranges for potential stats are as follows:
lvl 0-30: 1% 2% 3%
lvl31-70: 2% 4% 6%
lvl 71-120: 3% 6% 9%
lvl 121+: 4% 8% 12%

the level ranges for decent skill stats are as follows:
decent hb: lvl 70+
decent se: lvl120+
decent door: lvl70+
decent haste: no idea ;x

most people use the term 70+ wrongly, as 70+ implies that it includes lvl70 items, when talking about potential items. hope that clears it up.

Reply September 17, 2010 - edited

Isn't it weird how the skills are probably lvl 70 because that's the 70+ tier when other lvl 70 equips can't get 9%.
Makes me have to waste a lot more money =_=.

Reply September 17, 2010 - edited