
What to cube for my dragon emblem

Hey basil community, so I have a unique 3l dragon emblem atm. The lines are 9% total damage, bad line, 6% total damage. What im wondering is if I should stick with it or if I should cube for something better? (perhaps STR% and total damage%?) My last emblem was 10%str epic and the total damage boost(from new emblem) dropped my range but increased my overall damage. (I have about 125% str if that makes a difference). Also can emblems have % boss? I've cubed it a few times but 15% total damage was the best thing I got. Thanks!

February 20, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


Thank you people ^~^

Reply February 20, 2013

Emblems [b]cannot acquire bossing % damage.[/b]
I would keep the 15% total damage unless you plan to cube to legendary.

Reply February 20, 2013