
Nexon ignores ban tickets

Hello Basil community, I am here to rant because I believe nexon is an extremely dumb company. My false ban is not what upsets me but the time that it happened. I really want to play kanna and the ban has obviously made this impossible. This ban has also greatly inconvenienced my in game time along with my friends and my guild...

On to the title:

I have sent 3 tickets into maple. My first 1 being a calm ban ticket asking for them to revise the ban. The second one is not a ban ticket but a ticket which I labeled a disconnection error and I wrote about my account not be able to log in. The third one is once again a ban ticket, where I could not hold my temper in as much.


Nexon answers my DC ticket in 8 hours saying that the problem will be forwarded somewhere else and the ticket is closed. My other tickets, now having been written over 24 hours ago, are still open. Maybe I'm just unlucky but it seems to me that nexon is ignoring ban tickets. If they are, then seriously...WOW

February 27, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


Thank you for some of your answers but for the others, I love how condescending your tones are. Especially to the guy labeling me as "kid". Im sure your either younger than I am or not much older then I am.

The point is that my DC ticket was answered almost immediately. It hasn't been 24 hours. I was low balling the number. Sure it hasn't been very long but there are other games that I play that have companies that answer my emails and problems withing the hour. Trust me these companies make much less money then nexon. Nexon makes an enormous amount of net profit every year, sure their profits are going down but to run such a poor game....? Of course nexon has more players but how hard is it to address a problem that is obviously rampant. There are false ban threads all over basil. All over the game forums. How can a company not address bigger problems over smaller problems? Nexon's way of running the system is extremely flawed.

Reply February 27, 2013

what a surprise...

Reply February 27, 2013

They don't ignore certain tickets and answer others. They probably answer according to category and there's a lot of tickets for getting banned lately so that's probably why your tickets haven't been answered yet. Stop assuming things lol, wait it out. Some people waited for 2 years for their tickets to get answered.

Reply February 27, 2013

24hrs...What makes you think you're so special? I sent a ticket a few days ago and it's still unanswered. Either create a new account or not play at all.

Reply February 27, 2013

24 hours? I know Nexon has been answering tickets faster lately, but have some patience, 1 day is not very long at all when it comes to Nexon's customer service.

Reply February 27, 2013

3 days ago I got perma banned for using profane language lololol you've got to be kidding me.

Reply February 27, 2013