goatHunter12 #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

F/P lucky for some? So anyway I have always wanted a f/p mage and blaze wiz's weren't doing it so I decided to make one. Anyway so I am killing in the Z mush dungeon and a 10% for spear att drops. Yea not much but it was still nice luck. Carry on for a few more minutes then bam chaos. (check SS section for SS of so it did happen) So chaos scroll and a 10%. A bit of luck. I decided I would try to do a compass with the letters I have found. Normally on my brawler I would get 1 egg. Nope I got 5. Only got 1 100% belt though but still good. Get to 30 start mushroom kingdom quests. Killing spores and there is a claw for att. I am liking the luck!