

Zero Leveling

So tomorrow zero will be released in maplestory europe and i was wondering,
I heard that you need to do quests till level 180.
How quick will you be at lvl 180 ?
Also if you are 180, are all the quests finished to actually train in the maple world ?

June 30, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


1.) If EMS releases 2x quest coupons, [b][i]GO. BUY THEM.[/i][/b] I know the pain of not having one. If you have one, you never need to grind. All you have to do is all the main quests and side quests, and BAM. 180 in a week if EMS releases the 1 week version. Even a day if you're dedicated.
2.) Alpha is really fast at lv 180, zipping around the map with mobbing skills. Beta however is a pretty much stationary bosser, dealing great amounts of damage with less hits. Damage Reflect essentially kills both of them though. But the transcendent skills help too (hyper skills of Zero essentially). There's a field that debuffs the enemy, an auto-revive skill, and a full CD reset skill with 10 sec immunity to attacks. But, your chat will be flooded wth "You may not use this skill yet." , so be careful there.
3.)Yes, you need to finish Zero's full story to do quests, and gain exp from real world mobs. You can gain drops though, but your chat will be full of "You may only gain exp from Maple World mobs if you've completed chapter 8 of Zero's story."every time you kill a mob.

Reply July 1, 2014

yes you do quests,you will not get to level 180 very quickly

Reply July 1, 2014