

Favorite Linux Distributions

What's your favorite Linux Distro? My favorites are: [url=]Ubuntu 12.04[/url], [url=]Fedora 17[/url], and [url=]Elementary OS (once Luna comes out)[/url]

June 12, 2012

1 Comment • Newest first


[quote=kevinhykuo]Ubuntu 12.04LTS <-- I have Unity, KDE and LXDE on it
Linux Mint Maya

LINUX ROCKS![/quote]
I had high hopes for JoliOS. On a laptop with 512MB ram, it didn't even run properly. JoliOS is a browser as an OS. There's no reason it shouldn't run on that laptop.
Mint's Cinnamon desktop environment is really nice, it's one of my favorites, but I haven't used it very much.

Reply June 16, 2012