

greenelf #Chat Talk

General Chat

Basil, I need your advice. So basically my group is entering in this contest, and I need you guys to vote on the best picture! (For a cover art type of a thing) (I don't have the poll option atm, so you'll have to post). [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url] Just simply post the number, but you'll have to post one or two more words to make the minimum limit! Thanks in advance! :) Current Vote Count - [b]1[/b] - 3 [b]2[/b] - 2 [b]3[/b] - 3

General Chat

Want to reverse millions of years of evolution in ONE WEEK? Want to reverse millions of years of evolution in ONE WEEK? Here's what you'll need: -Night time -Pond (not with purified water) -Flashlight -Glass Jar ===== Steps: 1. Wait until it is completely dark outside. 2. Turn on your flashlight over the pond. It should be black at first, and then start to turn slightly green. 3. Take a scoop of the green water with the jar. 4. Leave in a dark room for 4 to 6 days. 5. Release in a pond. Congratulations! You have effectively reversed evolution in one week! How? You made the euglenas consume a part called of their bodies called chloroplasts, which are used for photosynthesis. These cells can NEVER grow them back, and neither can their offspri

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