

grozoth #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

P/c on my Kaisers equips? Hello Basil! I am planning on quitting my kaiser very soon to get more funding for my wind archer. I am going to be selling my items in windia. 2h emp sword: 58 str, 177 attack 2 slots remaining, 20% boss 8% crit rate 3l unique, 15% pdr neb Emp hat: 44 str, 11 attack, 21% 3l unique pot, no slots Emp overall: 43 str, 6% str, unvul time +1 second on pot and B rank neb no slots 3l unique Emp cape: 1 attack 7 slots 6% str cape 3l epic Emp shoes: 6 attack 13 str, 6% str el epic Dragon Emblem: 6% total damage 15% pdr no neb 3l epic Rising Sun Pendant: 6% str 2 attack, 0 slots (Failed every chaos scroll <_<) Level 80 tradable belt: 12% str 6 attack on bonus pot 3l unique 3l unique 6% all stats 6% str half earrings A