
Why do people think being old in a video game is cool?

So I got in a ks war the other day, and the dude called me a kid. And I was like well how old are you? He said "Lmao, im 17 with a gf and car, so sit down kid." I'm just like why would you think your cool being a 17 year old playing a 2d video game. What makes you think your cool being above 16 playing video games?

July 4, 2012

23 Comments • Newest first


Video games are for everyone...(says the 43 year old virgin in his mom's basement)

Reply July 4, 2012

I'm 18 and i still love this game even though im about to Start College soon (Kennesaw State) Age shouldn't matter in video games as long as you have fun

Reply July 4, 2012

So basically that guy was admitting that he DIDN'T have a gf or a car.

Reply July 4, 2012

lol u are just jelly of him. and besides from my experiance, lots of 17+ peoples play this game as a way to pass the time between job and naps cuz they can comunicate with their friends and play together.

Reply July 4, 2012

He's an idiot, but it's not like there's a problem playing a game when you're over 16 either. He's just using his age to be a stupid ass.

Reply July 4, 2012

[quote=GuitarrFreaak]so sit down kid.[/quote]
Because I play while standing.

Reply July 4, 2012

im almost 24 and i still play. idc but playing games gives me that spark of fun again. but yeh uncall for the teenie bopper thinking hes cool at 17 LOL

Reply July 4, 2012

Same thing in League of legends, Apparently being young is just a horrid insult.

Reply July 4, 2012

I think his girlfriend was his right hand and his car was his hot wheels

Edit:Ninja'd on the hand joke

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

It's not about being old, it's just about being older than the person you're arguing with. Chances are if you're arguing and in ks wars you're both stupid anyway.

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

i still play and im 18 0.0
am i old

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

Lol don't let it get to you. The girl and car thing was really irrelevant on his part which could mean that he actually doesn't have those things.

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

HyperMagi is always right.

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

He just needs a good beating

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

"Sit down kid"

LOL. Right, because having a girlfriend and a car makes you the coolest guy ever?

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

im 17 with a BMW a girlfriend and go to private school. other than this situation right now i don't go around saying that to people because 1) i have nothing to prove to people and 2) i don't want people to think I'm a spoiled brat because thats the stereotype... off topic but no one seems to think that maybe my uncle sold me my car for cheap and maybe i have a good scholarship... but whatever. back on topic whenever people start ksing me 1) i ignore it because if you don't say anything they might not internally be doing it and you don't want to provoke them so just keep on killing or 2) i just leave and tell that person that because they are ksing you I'm going to leave and ask if you can stay though....

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

I agree with everyone else. 17 is still a kid too. From what I've seen the ones that call everyone "kid" aren't actually that old lol. They always seem to end up being 16-18 saying all of this. I'm 23 and I never call people "kid". And honestly there's no age limit to games. When you think about it games are made by those people you call "old" =P.

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

I'm 18...I'm still a kid. even at this age we still have crap to learn...
and age has nothing to do with who gets the rights to a freaking channel
that guy's just your average maple a-hole

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

I doubt he bought the car with his own money

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

Internet anonymity is a curious thing.

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

How does he know your younger than him?

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

Although he claims he's 17 years old, he sure doesn't act like one.

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited

Lol, he's 17 with a car and a gf, I'm 21 with a house and a real job, so sit down you 17 year old kid! (JK )

Reply July 4, 2012 - edited