

gummby8 #Merch Talk

General Merch

Stick to your guns boys and girls I managed to get super extra lucky and get an emp mage cape from the event boxes, that is not the important part. For the last few days tho I had been doing my research to find out just what it was worth. After keeping an eye on fm 1-5 I settled on a price that I felt was more than fair 650 mill. Most other capes of the same type, clean with no pot were up for 800-1b. Mine had a hidden pot. So I knew it was worth at least the 650. Now I decided to spam the FM with S> messages in hopes that someone would be interested. Time and time again I would get offers for 500 300 someone even said 200 mill and that no one ever buys empress capes. I decided to research some more. The emp capes I had seen the day befo