

Trickster Online, Reason for being gone.
Checked and I was the only person to make a thread 2 years ago lol.
Anyways this game is the reason why I've been away for 3 years.

This game does things right IMO, sure it has some things that are bad (Such as myshop items pretty much making in game items obsolete against PvP or GvG) BUT they have things that make the game very special:

There are 400 levels, I am level 210, the clear winner for how you're going to receive your levels is by questing, you wont even realize you're grinding because IT HAS A PURPOSE and the rewards are very enticing.

A drill system, instead of only killing monsters you can use a drill to dig up items! From common items to very rare quest items, you'll never know what you dig up! (There are skills that help with drilling such as showing you where to dig or how many items are buried beneath the surface.)

Boss system, it's for everybody, if you have a level you can boss. Bosses are done by completing a few tests (Different bosses have different trials), and unlike Maple Story, if you complete a set you get a bonus!

Pets, VERY plentiful (Like over 400 plentiful), tradeable, AND ADD STATS.

Money making, SO SO easy, it just takes a will to get what you want, if you can drill, if you find rare items you can sell them.

Market, selling items is COMPLETELY FREE. You do not need to buy a store from MyShop (Their version of a Cash Shop), you can leave your store open for as long as you want until you sell out.

Hunting, monsters cannot be stolen from you, once you hit a monster, it's yours until you kill it.

Events, done pretty much every week, GMs actually talk to you and listen to your concerns (For the most part)

Quests, you can do mostly all quests up to 5 times. How about leveling from turning in a quest, you'll do it often.
TM level gauge, your base level allows you to accept new quests and wear armors, your TM defines how you learn your skills. Watching your TM level up with your Level is important as its needed for job advancing.

PvP and GvG options.

Day and night rotations.

Post up your names, level and server!

CaptainNemo 210 Scientist

Heres a pic of a recent EVENT that we just had:

April 8, 2011

9 Comments • Newest first


It takes time to get used to it, to be honest after playing both Maple and Trickster, Trickster is my winner because its less frustrating, people actually are nice, and it's easier to understand and keep up with doing top damage.

I got on maple yesterday and went to Jesters, you couldn't imagine how often people would come in and KS for no reason at all besides having nothing better to do with their time.

Reply April 8, 2011

A few of my friends play this game
Tried it a few years ago but didn't really like it.

Reply April 8, 2011

I can say though that the times that you HAVE to grind are when you've run out of quests to do until you get to your next benchmark to complete even more quests. But they added in daily quests and our version of a super leveling room happens all day, you can step in for 10 minutes for two times a day.

I'm level 210, at the place I go I get about 30% per go.
There's always a motivation for me to move on.

Reply April 8, 2011

[quote=GuyFawlkes]They added a lot more stuff to it, nobody does panacea anymore lol.
I mean sure you could say that but come on... I could think of a game where there are no quests worth doing... Oh yeah Maple lol.[/quote]
You can't really use Maple as a benchmark... It's the worst game ever.
In reality, I just liked Trickster's skill system. But otherwise, blargh grinding.

Reply April 8, 2011

The duck equipment made it so new players could kill monsters efficiently, they still give it out and that equipment is good until your second job lol.

Reply April 8, 2011

I used to play, I loved it. Then I quit for a year or two (forgot what reason), then I came back, when they began giving "duck equipment" to new players.
It got boring for some reason, but I still think it was a good game
I think Lv 2X DragonMageBarry Jewelia? I think .... either way, I quit.
Edit: but I like Maple more LOL

Reply April 8, 2011 - edited

They added a lot more stuff to it, nobody does panacea anymore lol.
I mean sure you could say that but come on... I could think of a game where there are no quests worth doing... Oh yeah Maple lol.

Reply April 8, 2011 - edited

Who is this guy?

Reply April 8, 2011 - edited

Lol, I like the event system and the TM system.
I played it when it first came out. Had a TM level of like 80, at level 50, and then they changed all the TM quests.
It was hilarious unleashing level 80 spells on unexpecting PVP'ers.

The reason I quit was... One day I was hunting Panacea or something, then just gave up.
Sure, it's questing... But seriously? "Hunt grass" in 20 different places? Repetitive. :x

Reply April 8, 2011 - edited