

How to stop being arachnophobic?

If you haven't read my first spider post it's here:
First of all let me just say that no one is home when this happens, they're usually not home at nights because that's when the 2 people that live here (my sister and her dad) go to work - also the time I see the most spiders activity fml. Once again I'm laying on my mattress thing that's on the floor just using my laptop in my sisters room about to close it and go to sleep when I look over seeing something pretty large on the sheet and low and behold it's a freaking spider AGAIN. I've come to the conclusion that it's no coincidence that they appear near me now since they're probably attracted to the only light source in the room - my laptop after I turn the light out so I will not make that mistake ever again. Anyway this time the thing was big like brown wolf spider big. Thank god when I flew from my mattress and jumped onto my sisters bed it didn't even flinch. I was standing on that bed freaking out about what I was going to do in the dark for a solid 5 minutes. I kept thinking about what if when I tried to pass it darted out at my feet. Finally after deep breathes I rushed off of the bed ran into the kitchen and found the Raid. Unlike the last spider I did not even get close to this one, capturing it was not an option. I sprayed a good amount from a distance, watched in horror as it finally moved in panic further onto the bed and then into my blanket (going to burn, never using again omg) and then I turned off the light and shut the door. As I'm going to put the Raid away I turn the corner out of the room and there's another spider, the same size of the brown one but this one is black. I don't even bother to spray it, I still feel bad about spraying the other one but this one hasn't bothered me and it's just there so I'm still terrified but it's not necessary. I will not sleep tonight, I'm going to go sit on the couch which is the safest place in this house I know and play playstation or watch tv for the next few hours until I'm so tired that I pass out unintentionally on it.

How do I get over my fear? Even looking at pictures online while I'm trying to identify the spider I've seen or read about how people conquered there phobia scares me. I'm tired of losing my manliness the moment I spot a spider inside of my living space. Honestly I love it here but I want to go back home tomorrow where it's spider free because these things creep me out so badly. I know I'm dumb and there's nothing to be afraid of but I still can't help myself.

August 26, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


Basically a spider has to do something cool for you to like them, or at least tolerate them. Or you watch something cool involving a spider, and no, Spiderman movies don't count. I was terrified of spiders for the longest time, and there was always this one in my window (I had a 2 layer window), and it would never go away. So one day, I trapped this really annoying fly in the window, and I watched as that little guy zipped right out and started preparing the poor fly for dinner. When my house got renovated, I trapped the guy into a jar and let him outside. From that day on, I wouldn't say I'm so used to spiders that I'd let one crawl over me, but I respect them enough to leave them alone.

Keep doing what you're doing spider bro.

Reply August 26, 2014 - edited

In 4th grade, our teacher made us catch a spider from the wild and keep it in a jar on my desk. After about 2 months, I was ready to let the little guy crawl all over me. he was so cute. He ate my neighbor's spider who was sharing the jar. good boy.

Reply August 26, 2014 - edited

@SomeJello Yeah you seem like the opposite of me. I don't mind insects, I'll hold them without a problem. I can't deal with spiders though.
@SirKibbleX2 Yeah jumping spiders are kinda cute now that I think of it. I do like to make them jump and I'm not very scared of them but it's not the same when there's a spider that's larger than that size.

Reply August 26, 2014 - edited