

halfway #Chat Talk

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What have you accomplished today? Alright so I am extremely happy, more happy than I have been in a long time. For the time being I don't even care I broke up with my ex, i'm not going to be able to spend time with my friends this summer or that the art piece I worked on for the past 5 hours is a complete failure. My microwave had been broken for about 6 months now and I didn't bother to have a go at fixing it because it never occurred to me to try + microwave food is usually not that healthy so I looked at it as a gain rather than a loss. Anyway! a week ago I invited my older sister over to drink since she had been nagging me about it for the longest time which has taken so long because I am a light drinker. On her way over she stopped to

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How to stop being arachnophobic? If you haven't read my first spider post it's here: First of all let me just say that no one is home when this happens, they're usually not home at nights because that's when the 2 people that live here (my sister and her dad) go to work - also the time I see the most spiders activity fml. Once again I'm laying on my mattress thing that's on the floor just using my laptop in my sisters room about to close it and go to sleep when I look over seeing something pretty large on the sheet and low and behold it's a freaking spider AGAIN. I've come to the conclusion that it's no coincidence that they appear near me now since they're probably attracted to the only light source in the room - my laptop after I turn the

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BlogMarket - The spider story Omg I am dying. I tried going to sleep but luckily before I did I decided to check my facebook on my laptop which was right next to my mattress type bed on the floor since I am sleeping at my sisters house for a few days. While checking my facebook I noticed a small movement out of the corner of my eye about 5 inches from my head which was laying on my pillow - it was a spider crawling towards me. I've never gotten up so fast in my life, I dove for the light switch so I could see what it looked like and to keep tract of where it was. After confirming my deepest fear I took one more look back and ran to the kitchen to grab the [b]Raid[/b] (bug and spider killer) I sprayed the spider on 3 different occasions over

General Chat

Ideas for a non tangible gift I've been in a long distance relationship for a couple of months now and since we don't get to see one another besides in the summertime we give each other these gift packages on our monthly anniversary. We've sent each other things in the past but I don't want to do that this time. In previous months I've written long notes and drawn detailed pictures, she has really enjoyed those so I might do it again but I want to add something new. I'm unfamiliar with this since I usually date people I can see everyday so if anyone has experience or ideas feel free to post. The new thing would have to be something I can take a picture of or show via webcam(and no do not say my weiner), troll responses are welcome too, I kn