hangwithhung #Chat Talk

General Chat

Post your favorite animal because I work at a nature museum and it's dead boring if nobody visits. I either end up playing Maplestory or falling sleep, neither of which are particularly appreciated by the museum curator. So in an attempt to keep myself on task (somewhat) and awake, please name an animal you would like me to take a picture of and upload. Ill tag you in the original post :) I just got off work and the idea hit me so expect a wait time of at least 20 hours (when I return for work tomorrow) until you see the animal's picture posted! Do note that these animals are taxidermied, meaning that they're dead and stuffed for display, if that matters in any way. The animals at the museum include most ever kind in North America, regardle

General Chat

New to long boarding. advice? Hey everyone! My friend just gave me a longboard deck but he didn't have any spare wheels or trucks or anything so I have to hunt for my own. I'm wondering if anyone could give any advice for someone new to longboarding, what kinds if parts I should get, and if you could include any explanations, that would be most helpful! By the way the deck is a drop through (idk annoy the length, I haven't had much time to measure it) if that changes any of the above suggestions. Also is this deck optimized for different terrains, whether or not it's meant for cornering or going straight, etc. Any tips on how to maintain a longboard would be greatly appreciated, too. Thanks!

General Chat

Watched the trailer for quotThe Visitquot and it got me thinking Lots of people were going on about how M. Night Shyamalan is a terrible writer and director and that his last good movie was The Sixth Sense. I'm not someone who watches horror movies all the time but honestly, it was a pretty legitimately scary movie trailer and I couldn't see why people were taking a poop all over the movie. It could be that the rest of the movie just isn't horrifying enough or it doesn't leave a lasting scare for audience members, as some movies sometimes do, so my question to you all is: How [i]is[/i] a horror movie judged and how [i]should[/i] a horror movie be judged? By its scariness? If so, why? Or is it judged based upon its content and ability to mak