

Expert BM's help me out? My build ,completely unfunded.

What'sup fellow Bowmen or whoever has stumbled upon this thread

I will be making a Bowmaster with the release of the Nova server [so I will have literally 0 meso]. I am just going to get enough str to wear my gear, I don't mind if i go a bit overboard ;]

As for SP, I am going to do...(Ill try to keep this breif, I mostly need help in the later 3rd job builds)
1st-1 AB, Max Range, Max DS,Max Focus.
So basically Max everything but 1 AB, which will get replaced by bomb in 2nd

2nd- 1 Bomb, 5 Mastery, 6 Booster, 2 Soul arrow, Max mastery, max Bomb, Max FA, Max Enhanced Basics, Max Booster/Soul Arrow alternatively.
To sum it up, i'll get 1 into my mobbing skill, a few into mastery, get a decent booster and SA so i don't waste money on arrows, followed by mastery to finish it up, and my mobbing skill. Fa will come next [Does FA Affect Arrow Rain/Hurricane/Arrow Bomb?], than basics so my DS will be more powerful, than finished boosters

3rd-1 Inferno, Max AR [is 5 Mortal BIow a preresiquite] Max Inferno, Max Thrust, Max Dodge, Max MB, Max Puppet, rest into strafe? [Do Bowmasters NEED Ultimate strafe?].
The reasoning is, 1 inferno to help at toy room, and when I get some AR going I'll be able to hit 2 plats in jester, so I want that to be my primary mob move. Than, at around 80, ill max inferno so I can hit the other platforms at jester as well with its range. Also, is it fire element? If it is, it'll be really effective at mp3 . Than I'll max thrust to move around more quickly and increase training speed by quit a bit, than dodge , than puppet [not needed till 4th job i hear], and strafe since I wont really need it. Maybe 1 point early on for stragglers.

4th- I am REALLY stuck here. I don't know which skills need books, which is most efficient in a new world, I just am completely lost... I would really appreciate help

If there's any ways to improve my 1-3rd jobs, or maybe even reccomend me the places to hunt/efficieny of the 4th job books, that'd be great!

Thank you for your time,haha happy mapling!

June 13, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


Why not wait till jump update when the new skills are added?

Reply June 14, 2011