

herotj #General Talk


Shielding ward glitch Fix Many people are falling victim to the sheild ward glitch, dont let your self be one of them [b]This is the glitch[/b] [i]the sheild ward when applied automaticly uses any scroll in your inventory as u apply the ward so if you have ANY dark scroll in your inventory it will apply that first and then the ward[/i] [b] This Is The Fix[/b] [i] Simply make sure that there are NO scrolls in your inventory when applying the sheild ward, you can put them in your bank, drop them if no one is around (not recomended but works) or have a friend you trust hold on to them, make sure to only have the one scroll you want to use on the item, NO MORE THEN 1[/i] [i]If you are useing multiple wards simply Rinse and repeat[/i] [b] IF YOU


Meso bot whispers Answers I can't belive everyone is freaking out about this so much, so here, i'll explain it The meso site botters use a program to say there generated message over and over [b]Why are they whispering?[/b] Easy, they have a program that goes to the maple rankings and records the IGN of every character in that server, that ign list is then inserted into the bot and it goes down the list in order (thats why EVERYONE "eventually" gets it) NO your not being targeted NO your not gona get hacked (unless you go to givemeyourinfoforfreenxderp .com) NO you shouldn't panic and YES meso sites are lame If your still confused feel free to pm me ~Advent


DC Hacks, yep there back -_- Well some of u know me, some of you don't so i'll be brief DC hacks are back, at least in broa so far as my sources have indicated to me they are not public and extremely difficult to obtain so not many people have them as of now all i know is i'm being dc locked but then again i did start a war against bfp and dc hackers a like way back so i'm not to surprised This thread isn't meant for pitty its just meant to let you all know that they ARE back and to be cautious =/


The Broa Resistance, what you may not know Sorry in advanced for wall of text T_T Well, since so many people seem to not understand the whole dc hacker/resistance issue that Broa is faceing i'll shead some light on it. I can only hope this clears some things up and helps =/ (NOTE: Mods please dont ban this, if it breaks any rules let me know and i will change it IMMEDIETLY! This is something people need to see) For starters: When bfp was formed it was acually LEGIT, they ksed noobs 12X-13X and ranged class's because they had anego, BF was close range only training. That was the original bfp, which alot of us although not down for ksing were okay with, finally a place for close range players to train other then skeles, how could that be bad?


Avoid Getting Hacked Answers Sorry for the Wall of text But its all important -_- (Note grammar is terrible due to the 3am creation time of this thread X.X) This will tell you 3 things: 1. What the hacks are out there 2. Who is hacking you 3. How to stop it [b] Basil Mods or MR B PLEASE Sticky/ Front page this thread people NEED to know [/b] Ahead of time read it if u want, if your just going to troll disregard this and proceed to the troll bar at the bottom of your page ~~[b]Edit Here is a website with some alt codes number 1-15 are alt codes i would recomend[/b] ~~ *Note you can use any alt code you so chose these are just ones id recommend you can use your own if you choose* This is all purely fact based on what myself and the Resistance