

hirrho #Fun Talk

General Fun

Am I really that creepy? /Am I really that creepy, basil?/ [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14j5lph&s=6] TOTALLY NOT REFERENCING THAT ONE[/url] OH Why even BOTHER reading the whole thread? XD Most people here won't. [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2lwnfjo&s=6]GIRL THAT KNOWS SHE'S CUTE AND JUST WANTS TO HEAR IT[/url] Reau pictueres of me. Thread not to be taken seriously. Yes. I do go this far for a joke. I'm intuxecated and in need of aentertainment. lol Trynig my best to type.

General Fun

Metal Musicians Unite I use to play a lot of guitar but then I moved to vocals and just sort of worked with that. I recently started writing again but my vocal style no longer reflects my guitar playing style I jam with a band but I'm not in one. (I like writing by myself.) My vocal and drumming style are influenced by metal. The last time I wrote anything on guitar was punk rock/heavy metal. Now I'm in to death metal/metalcore ambient and djent tones now. I would like to play some sort of happy medium. I only have my [url=http://www.musiciansfriend.com/guitars/b.c.-rich-mockingbird-one-electric-guitar] old[/url] 6 string with out any pedals. Is there a huge learning curve for these genres or are my roots pretty solid? My pick ups can play

General Fun

What are you so afraid of? Tell me something you're afraid of that most people aren't and tell me something you're not afraid of that most people are. I'm not afraid of much but I am absolutely terrified of roaches. I'm not afraid of a roach but when there are roaches I lose my $#*&! Something that I'm not afraid of that most people are would have to be dying. It is a very very logical fear but I figure we all have to go sometime. I just hope that when I do die I die in a dignified way.

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