
Ranked mode issue

So, since I powered my kaiser up a bit I've been able to finish ranked mode on dojo. The thing is that after getting the gloves twice, now my name magically disappears from the ranking.

PS: I don't get outranked cause I saw the times there are on the board and I did way less then the last place there D:

Is there something I don't know? ._. Maybe... I can only get the gloves twice a month? Idk o.o

December 31, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


I know it resets, lol... I just didn't know if I already have them on my inventory that I wouldn't even be on the rankings ._.

Edit: @above if that's true then thank you I didn't know that, that's probably it, cause I got 2 of the same glove last week, I guess today that will reset then

Reply December 31, 2012 - edited

Once per week for each glove(so you can get all 3 gloves within the week, but you just can't repeatedly get it every time the server "counts" it in. , resets on Sunday I think from what I have heard. The rankings reset at like 11:57 pm PST everyday.

Reply December 31, 2012 - edited

You don't stay on the rankings forever. They reset daily (or maybe every few hours, I forgot). Then you have to dojo again. Keep in mind if you already have the gloves in your invetory, you won't get a second pair unless it glitches on you.

Reply December 31, 2012 - edited