

ho4show #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Fellow il mages, tips for training on 2x I've looked at both the grinding guides, one is horribly out of date and the other is more of an sp guide than really a training location one. (by that i mean not many options) I know from experience there's always more than one good map to train on (since all mobs the same level typically have the same hp/exp) So, what i want to know is where YOU as I/l mages would recommend training 60-70. based off of your experiences

General Icelightningarchmage

Thunder spear or seal, which do you prefer Personally: Thunder spear. i love it loved it, and will continue to love it. It may be outclassed by ice demon, but i feel like Zeus every time i cast it and for that reason alone i would choose it over seal. That and seal has been totally useless in training, it's not very practical to cast it on every mob that can't be frozen when training or w.e. EDIT: how do i make this a poll? or could a mod make this a poll with the options being Thunder Spear and Seal?